How does this compare to Transmission-QT?
How does this compare to Transmission-QT?
I heard it was a Nokia Sidekick exclusive.
You know, you don’t have to open every article that comes across your news feed. You can skip them, rather than weighing in on a conversation you have no interest in furthering with constructive comments.
One could argue that humans simply developed mathematics as a way for us to try and grasp some minor understanding of the world around us.
It’s not that crazy, some people find coding to be really fun and rewarding. Not to mention it’s certainly not the first time it’s happened.
As much of a wonderful and novel idea that this is, it’s a bit unfortunate that so few people will actually get to experience it.
Don’t forget Snow removal and lawn care. Living in Wisconsin snow removal can become a big burden, in addition to a very large literal pain in the back.
A brazilian learning capoeira would be just as stereotypical.
I was using Avast! until it started annoying me. I replaced it with Bitdefender, changed that again when I noticed they were moving away from their free software. Since then I have been happy with Panda Free Antivirus. And it seems pretty good, and been very unintrusive.
Who’s cutting onions?!
FWIW, I think your recap is nearly spot on, this episode contained a lot of lazy writing. Though while I disagree your opinion on Sam’s death, it’s still valid. I’m of the opinion that his death felt very appropriate for the character. perhaps they could have run the scene differently and maybe had sam separate from…
Isn’t that the hand gesture for asshole in some European country? Or was that the intent?
This is going to be a very common thing before long. DirectX 12 is one of the (major) new upgrades in Win 10.
My most recent upgrade wound up being more than I had originally planned. It was an innocent enough purchase, I bought a shiney new video card. I was upgrading from a gtx 430 to a gtx 960. I didn’t really expect any complication while ordering, but I hadn’t considered how much I had cheaped out on the case when I…
You sure do have a way with words.
Same, The recaps are what got io9 on my rss.
Agreed! I used to look forward to reading those.
Am I the only one imagining these characters in off camera moments? Specifically, Heat-Wave, going out and trying to find some cocaine, and probably threatening people and bashing heads until he finds some.
Right there with you. I really wanted to like SuperGirl, but the dialogue was sooo bad.
That’s neat, but show me Fallout 1, Fallout 2, or even planescape running on a 3ds running win95 and will be impressed.