Why do ya think we’re trying to defund them
Why do ya think we’re trying to defund them
Um, California is basically reasonably size country. And argument that it’s no point of participating in common good, because rest should carry the burden is not really a good take on things. It’s how societies work. I would say that historically US has do it’s fair share to shit the environment. It turn to…
Have you been following EVs? We have an 8 yo Leaf at >80% capacity, bought cheaply 16 months ago. Battery failures are not nearly as common as people expected. And with longer production runs, people are replacing old batteries with newer ones found in crashed cars at the junker, for little money. I know of several…
DIY Peloton? DIY Exercise bike? It’s not DIY anything. These are not hacks, it’s simply “buying a bike trainer”
Tesla batteries have already gone 400K miles. So, I believe they can already go the distance needed. I think you’re complaining about and already solved problem.
With all the shit going on right now, I have no outrage left for Pelosi’s haircut.
I’m pretty. Boys think I’m pretty. Lots of boys. Even powerful Korean boys like Kim Jung Un. He was totally hitting on me. I am so pretty.
You really can’t go too far wrong blaming Smash Mouth for...whatever.
So she'd have been...11? Yikes.
“It’s wrong that black people are discriminated against by the color of their skin. It’s not my fault.”
Sorry, no, we’re doomed.. But it’s ok to sing all the way down when your parachute doesn’t open...
20 years from now, this kid is going to be estranged from his adopted family and they’re going to be like, “We have no idea why he won’t speak to us! Such a heartbreaking mystery!”
Why “elite” universities?
In my experience the people who use the USA flag as a decoration on vehicles or their clothes are as patriotic as our president Putin.
Maybe the Jalop commentigentsia should, en-masse, start dumping $1200 offers on the add.
Nah. This is “When someone tells you who they are, believe them” territory.
Read the details of his ad, it’s an incomplete project that he’s tired of dealing with. There’s also no details on the type of transmission it has, the work done to it, engine work, or even if the engine is a VE or P-pump.
I don’t mind right wing delusional narcissists existing, but I have a problem with them running this country and imposing their delusions on everyone else. Seeing crap like this reminds me that they exist, they’re greedy, not very intelligent, and extremely dangerous to my very existence.