Wit is periodically disensouled

I also love pu-erh and have used that poor-man's decaffination process.

Word of advice, if you're going to try Lapsang Suchong, don't start out at the cheap stuff. The cheap smoke flavoring can be very bad. (I find even Twinnings is a bit bleck.) But good Lapsang Suchong is very good. And if it's too strong for you initially, you might also blend it with another black tea, like

Tim Roth or Kevin Spacey for Low-Key? I agree on "Not Cillian Murphy," though. He's kinda obvious.

My mother did this to me. Someone should've suggested using a level as well.

That'll be so much fun in an electrical storm. All those panicking passengers...

It was pretty obvious (to me at least) that from the time he left Winterfell, Ned Stark was a man hellbent on running to his own execution, and that it would probably happen this season. The only question for me was how it would happen.

I did this about a year ago after I ran out of planters. People thought it was neat, but the inside of the tea containers rusted, so in the end I replanted back into more normal containers.

"Lewis Vendredi made a deal with the devil to sell cursed antiques. But he broke the pact, and it cost him his soul. Now, his niece Micki, and her cousin Ryan have inherited the store... and with it, the curse. Now they must get everything back and the real terror begins."

Torchwood was very flawed, but it had moments of brilliance, too. If that's not your cup of tea, then if I were you, I'd just shrug and move on.

There was a Deviant Art series inspired by Mucha that depicted the Seven Deadly Sins... it almost seems like that's what he's inspired by.

Coleman lanterns shouldn't be used indoors, though.

I have those, too, but the oil lamp is better at lighting the room for long periods of time. Also, it looks cooler.

All things considered, I've found the simplest approach is to buy an oil lamp and lamp oil ahead of time.

I did this with my siblings, too. Then we hit each other with sticks until someone fell in the creek. Fun times.

You seem to be a fairly educated fellow, slippery slope argument aside, so I'm certain you can read up and choose what to care about or not. But, let me remind you, we're not arguing "should," but "could." The question was whether paint could be considered a tool and I presented a definition - which, since you admit

Interesting. Usually, when I say "maybe" I'm leaning towards "probably, unless you piss me off in the mean time." Refusing to accept it would, of course, accomplish exactly that.

Leave the ears, though.

It hasn't changed much, to be honest. It's less scary that way (for lawyers).

Take it up with Mr. Webster.

Not for the purposes of the Tariff Act of 1883. See Nix v. Hedden, 149 U.S. 304 (1893).