I once attended a panel discussion where he was one of the panelists. At the time I remember being pissed that he scornfully referred to Ani DiFranco as "that girl... the singer."
I once attended a panel discussion where he was one of the panelists. At the time I remember being pissed that he scornfully referred to Ani DiFranco as "that girl... the singer."
@brunetteburdette: Gadsden's flag circa 1775: "Don't Tread on Me"
Let him keep talking about it. It'll make the lawsuit so much easier.
@Tirannie: That or someone was a serious classics buff. (You can pretty much reenact the Odyssey and the Aeneid in Upstate NY. I do not advise reenacting the Iliad, though. Too many bodies to hide.)
@lockdog: Thanks! And somehow I forgot Chili too!
@Tirannie: There's one in NJ, one in NY and one in PA at the very least.
It's in NY.
@Apollinarius: Well, makeup is helpful, if not strictly necessary, for me to look human, because I have fairly transparent skin, but I only use concealer, a light foundation, a touch of blush, and a quick stroke of eyeliner. There's no need for me to look like Lawyer Barbie. Actually, I think people would take me…
@coffeeandkombucha: It's not everyone's experience. Sometimes the person is just miserable and they experience their world as a miserable place, too.
A surprising number of these guest posts suggest I am a man. I find this interesting.
@Mr Quacker: I'm female.
@aj_robins: He's wise in an engineer sort of way. No, the tools are not likely to be stolen but he ran a serious risk of having me chuck them at him, because I've got a well-publicized touchy relationship with the color pink.
I have to thank my dad for providing me with almost everything on the list - and also blame him for getting nearly everything in hot pink.
@squidink: Same here. I'm not under any illusions that it's a good movie, but I laugh my ass off when I watch it. It's like the cast got together and did the movie just for laughs. (Though I usually wander off for snacks during that secret pain bit).
[W]hen you read the transcript of an SNL skit, you're not going to laugh, but you do when it's performed
@WoogleMuffin: Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 were both required reading for my American Catholic high school. It probably depends on what part of the country you're talking about, though. (We were practically in Canada.) (And as for pubic schools we were read The Giver in middle school, and The Witches in…
@acidrain69: Same here. Strangely, people seem to be astonished by the idea when they see it. It's not that challenging!
Oooh, I have a cape like that, Diane Von Furstenberg! For some reason I never seem to have an opportunity to wear it. (I do not have an enormous feathered headcovering, though - alas.)
I have a regrettable tendency to kill batteries and fry electronics simply by touching them. (One of those people who can't wear a watch, etc.) I suspect my family would be very surprised if I came home with a cyborg - and very, very concerned for him.
Oooh, I can understand this. My father had truly terrifying rages, and his grandmother before him. It does seem to be both environmental and genetic. As a result of this, I learned how to regulate the emotions of the people around me. My much-younger sister seems to have only learned the rage. When she was…