
Bing is awesome. I do enormous numbers of searches for work, so I rack up points pretty quickly, and get $5 Amazon and Sephora gift cards every month, sometimes multiple times a month, at least $100 a year, all for doing something I'd be doing anyway. I <3 it bigtime.

Google it? Shouldn't you Bing it?

"Head-to-head" may not be the best way to describe the rigorous testing...

This is not exactly news Tom. Jay's sucked at home all year.

Max hit the jackpot in terms of wives. She plays video games with him and that is her idea of a good Friday night. That man is blessed. Good for him, I'm jealous.

This is really cool, now if only I had the time to play what's already in my Steam Library.

Well, shit. I guess since I think of tofu as complement to savory, a tofu burger or tofurkey doesn't get me riled up like a tofu waffle which I associate with sweet. Question mark.

Lol my theory is fanboy boredom. I'm with your point of view when it comes to this. The way people get uber passionate about Android v. iPhones or anything popular for that matter is obsessive. Unless I'm getting a check cut for my extreme opinion...I don't care.

Yeah, I like Boom 1 as well. It's a necessity for a portable Mac user. But I feel like Boom 2 being charged as a full-priced upgrade is sort of a douchy move.

It irks me that this is not a free upgrade from Boom 1. I've been with them since the beginning and I love the functionality, but Boom 1 still has it's problems. IMO, it's not a different enough product to even justify charging upgrade pricing.

So did you guys win your game?

You have to give her SOME credit. It's hard to make it in journalism these days when you're secretly a cat with a lime on its head.

Eh, maybe if he were a lot younger I'd buy that. But I really doubt a 15 year old would be ignorant of such a thing though.

and some guys just have big ol' dicks

There is a torrent file generated by burnbit for the download, hopefully this will be faster and give their servers a break

I was thinking about this the other day so I had to look it up,

Truly. Reminds me of the YouTube rants of that whacko UCSB kid who was mystified why women were overlooking him - then he shot up Santa Barbara. (Not trying to be funny - there really is a similarity in their entitlement-mindsets).

Well, steam balances that with having huge sales that Origin doesn't compete with. So the buyers remorse is lessened in a different way. Though I would like some sort of refund service with steam. Also, steam doesn't install spyware on your computer.

Indeed. I will admit that as a teen I did pirate some games.

Now playing

That's funny! I also like the Mirror's Edge one in that by the time pirates get to the third level Faith (your character) slows to a crawl. And in a game where running/speed is EVERYTHING it makes the game unplayable and unbeatable.