
I’m probably just being dense, but why can’t I find the Safari extension? The “get honey” link just goes to the Safari extension page, and if you search for honey (no results) Anyone, Bueller, Bueller? 😄

loved that game. There is a new one based on it on steam. I got the early beta which was buggy as hell but hopefully they fix it.

I always thought swallowing was a great thing. At least thats what I tell the girls.

After Tivo cancelled support for my two perfectly good HD3s, TIVO can go fuck themselves. I will never ever give them another dime and I hope they burn in hell.

After Tivo cancelled support for my two perfectly good HD3s, TIVO can go fuck themselves. I will never ever give

You wouldn’t believe some of the things I have found in users keyboards over the years. Some of them were “Alive” from all the food that had fallen into there.

I had a roommate like that - Come to think of it, he did kind smell like kitty litter.

I have had four female cats in my life - All Girls - All of them loved Catnip.

Agreed - There is NEVER enough gravy. I find that going beyond the Gravy Train is nice. I use pre-made curry sauces instead of making more gravy. Adds a lot of variety and different flavors until the turkey is gone. You can buy about 30 different (microwavable) curry sauces in almost any store for lots of variety.

FYI - Home Depot has those very same bulbs for $2.50.

FYI - Home Depot has those very same bulbs for $2.50.

As a retail associate, You are right. THIS IS A DICK MOVE.

For fucks sake. Its not like he brought a homemade clock to school.

Dams dude - I’m sure this is a going out of business sale but for the price - who gives a crap? Just ordered a bunch of stuff.

Dams dude - I’m sure this is a going out of business sale but for the price - who gives a crap? Just ordered a bunch

Looks like a vikings game. Starts out with some attitude and then get’s his ass kicked.

Or maybe its just interesting and some people might find it as such.

DUH - Hence the “care should be taken” comment. A moron can electrocute himself with a toaster if not careful.

This is essentially the same as installing a breaker for an electric dryer or water heater. i.e. not a HUGE deal but care should be taken.

Does anyone know if its possible for one of these remotes to control 2 Apple TVs. I have two one of which is jailbroken and one that is not. I can lock the apple remote to one but this means I need two remotes. Would love to have one remote that lets me switch between the two. Thanks.

Steam fucked me over a game that I could not get to run and this despite having not played at all. The 68 minutes that it says we played, were spent sitting on a black screen waiting to see it the game would run. Yes, it had been longer than two weeks, but that was only because after not being able to get it to run, I

Can anyone tell me why the light on the iPhone charger is on the back of the charger where you can't see it? This makes no sense to me.

Can anyone tell me why the light on the iPhone charger is on the back of the charger where you can't see it? This