
IMHO - On, the other hand, if you sign it, they can practice your signature. I would rather the clerks just realize its not signed and ask for my ID which they do a lot. I still believe the credit card companies make money on fraud. Why the hell don't they use the best form of fraud prevention ever invented. PUT YOUR

As long as they have an "OH, SHIIIIIIT" button.

The search seems to be impotent. I just tried and search and it found nothing but it's there. I typed in 32 Flavors and Alana Davis and got nothing. If I just type in Alana Davis, all of her albums come up even the one with the song 32 flavors. Weird.

Is there a way to enable it permanently ?

No, you were being a trolling dick. OWN IT! He didn't say Hey, if you live in a warm area wash your own car. He applied it to everyone. We pointed out that not everyone has that option. You jumped in with your bullshit insults.

Suck it Flame boy! Where did I say I was an expert? All I implied was he didn't stop to realize that not all of us have warm sunny days to wash a car and need a place to go to have it done.

BEWARE: WARM, but not too Warm. If you water in the bowl is really cold and you pour hot water in the bowl it can CRACK.

You tell em.....We in the midwest have thick skin but not that thick. Gotta love those who comment before considering all the options. Not all of us live in Disneyland.

I live in Minneapolis. Maybe it's true....

Everybody has a weird uncle that never gets invited to family reunions for SOME reason.

Still a trolling dick.

Same. 50 - No calls. If I ever get called, I want a good one. I'm Thinking "Tripple Murder committed by Hairless Transgendered Circus Monkey where the victim was found riddled with water squirting butt plugs fired by a high velocity vibrating assault dildo launcher."

Cause... You know. No kids lies to avoid getting caught... Right?

Ever heard of reading the complete thread before commenting? I MENTION Hydroponics in the first sentence.

I may be wrong but If the kid can't reach the faucet to wash his/her hands then he/she can't reach the faucet to turn it on and off, then the kid shouldn't be using the faucet alone anyway. He/she could scald the crap out out themselves. Soooo, an adult would have to be there anyway, correct? Im not trying to be

I guess it works. We remodeled and the new cabinet and faucet cost almost $900. Ill be damned of I am going to cheese it up with a hacked bottle. Maybe a tiny sink next to the big one?

Buy the kid a kid proof step stool and keep the ugly out of your bathroom.

Someone else mentioned it here but just been doing some looking. If you are using well water, even filtered well water, it contains all kinds of nutrients (and contaminates) not common in city water. The good news is it doesn't have all the chemicals as well.

Also Excellent: Starbucks saves them and will give you bags of them just for asking.

Didn't think about it that way, but I guess... Lol - thats funny.