Oh, lets be anal about a missed auto correct. You must be suffering "for" a nutrient deficiency or something? You are the only one trying to turn this into a pissing contest.
Oh, lets be anal about a missed auto correct. You must be suffering "for" a nutrient deficiency or something? You are the only one trying to turn this into a pissing contest.
I see purple.
Im still on CS3 Premium. The massive price hikes have not offered me enough incentive to upgrade an already over priced products. I see there are some cool updates but nothing I NEED to have for the price.
I hope its not fertilizer although if you have ever tasted tap water from Iowa city / Cedar rapids area you would be hard pressed to tell the difference. We gave the cats bottled water.
Blueberries are purple.
Just looking for something snarky to say weren't cha ?
Drop some food coloring in the water. Blue Celery is yours for the taking. The worlds first blue food????
YEAH! Most of them end with a woman missing and never found.
Try some miracle grow. It will taste better and g $5 box will last for the rest of your life. You use a small scoop in a gallon of water.
So me, the University of Florida (any university actually) are wrong.
Im not saying it doesn't work. Im saying it works best with soil & or another nutrient supply. If you have been doing it for years in just plain water, try it with soil or at least add some nitrogen based fertilizer such as Miracle grow or anything. The taste will be completely different. You can dry out a turd from…
I want her.... (see what I did there?)
CO2 helps but the actual nutrients come from the soil which holds the main nutrients or other organics. Think cow shit! Plants gown in just water have limited taste and nutritional value.
YEP!: I used to do that, but now I have a saltwater tank...
Did I say it wouldn't work? I just said more information was needed. YOU calm down!
You guys keep re-printing this but without (complete) facts. NOTHING will grow for indefinitely without soil of either the regular kind or a hydroponic suspension solution. Most of the things you list will grow once or twice before dying. You can order hydroponic (or air-ponic) supplies online. The cheap way is to use…
not yet!
I was 17. He couldn't (or wouldn't) fire me cause he would have had to explain it. He quit, they broke up and we dated for 2 years.
Thats funny. OK, not I have to find a ringtone for the current wife. ANY Suggestions about a funny ringtone for a wife you actually love?
When banging the managers girlfriend while taking inventory, lock the stockroom door?