
Bit of silver spray paint and who's to know?

slim jims in bloody mary.

P.S. Gordon. Please be careful making generalizations like (MOST PEOPLE LOVE IT). I've seen this program fuck some shit up. Peoples itunes libraries are quite precious and letting ANY program screw around with it can be heartbreaking.


I once read somewhere that there is a kind of cobra in either Africa or Australia that is so aggressive it will actively track / chase you down for long distances for the sole purpose of biting you even if you are not screwing with it.

Paypal does that too.

I think it's very cool.

Anyone who uses a table saw already knows this. If that they don't, they shouldn't be using one. If they know this but don't use one, a missing finger or two will solve this problem. Also, plywood isn't the best. A soft wood like pine would be better. Knots in various plywood can bind up the blade and cause kickback.

Is it just me or is anyone else concerned that when installing it says it can.... Access your data on ALL websites and access your tabs and browsing activities???

That was the most incomprehensible piece of crap trolling that I have ever read. Learn to use capital letters and form coherent sentences before you criticize someone else's writing.

Yeah... snarkey pants!!!! and just because it's called CAT, doesn't mean it could be modified for a doggie door. I never understand people who go online just to poo poo anything someone else says.

What they said.

This is why my kids iPhone doesn't have any account information on it. If they want something and I approve it, I buy it on my mac and then sync it from there. If I need to type in the password, I do it and then restart the phone.

Peace through superior firepower...

Typical Women. :-) -


Getting paid $16 an hour to be a fuck head. Thats bullshit.

I dont tweet, I dont Instagram, I dont check in. I have never used my real name on the internet. This despite 30 years in IT Management. We were coding and traversing what was then the internet (arpnet) down in the basement of Weeg Computing Center at the University of Iowa line by line. You know, before it got pretty!

Unless you are using fire bricks, the wrong kind of bricks "can" explode when heated.