
My thoughts on this subject have always been complicated. In order for video games to succeed as an artistic medium, they should be able to depict all parts of human nature (anger, aggression, and violence included). I have played a lot of violent video games over the years, but I have never "liked" the violence that

My immediate thought was, "Holy crap! Nintendo might actually compete with WiiU this gen!" But most of the console gamers (myself included) will probably just buy a good PC if Sony just emulates Microsoft's policies.

I agree. Looking back at the original image, I can't believe I didn't just immediately think C-3PO. Perfect.

Here's the thing, I don't want to play an inexperienced Batman now. I've tasted the good stuff, so I can't go back to drinking Evan Williams on the rocks. Though I love the Batman origin story and his ability to grow and learn in the comics, the idea of playing a prequel Batman still bums me out.

So if I click on the Cave, the discount is for PC only (not Mac which is still about $15), but the PC version has Steam DRM. Cave is Steamplay enabled on Steam (PC/Mac/Linux), so it should register the Mac version even if I didn't technically purchase that version from Amazon. Am I right here?

I would love to know how they calculate dissonance. With the cello, an instrument that can hypothetically play any frequency within its range (not just twelve pitches), there must be a certain range near dissonant intervals that sets it off. But if they are including all dissonant sonorities on an infinite spectrum of

Thank you, Stephen! I hope developers read this. Absolutely agree that prequels are unnecessary (much like some sequels in my own opinion), but there may be one thing we should think about that prequels can provide.

COMPLETELY agree! Actually not a horrible song, especially if it's just written for a game, but just annoyingly loud when you highlighted it.

Just imagine if personal computers had ads popping up on your desktop... of services that you can't even purchase on the platform... confusing. If this becomes an acceptable practice in the future, I'm finding a new hobby away from computers. Metallurgy, woodworking, anything else.

A couple things, the lines connecting the Vectrex to the Sega Saturn 3D pad and the N64 controller seem forced. I want to see some direct documentation of the effect of the Vectrex on these controllers (especially since I have never even heard of the Vectrex at all). Secondarily, I think the influence of the Sega Game

I wonder what the HUD actually looks like when you're wearing them. Since all of the videos for the product are either advertisements or videos taken from the glasses, you can never really see how the HUD piece looks. We probably won't get this experience until the product hits the market.

I'm very glad that people are noting their Spoilers appropriately. Since I won't be able to play this game until summer (or later), I have to keep a list of interesting articles that I can come back to. I seem to have to do this a whole lot since I usually wait for games to drop in price before I buy in.

As an art form, games give us an opportunity to interact with characters through player choices which guide the story. But the choices are confined to (and defined by) the story the developers wish to tell. A developer could not possibly include every choice a player can think of. Nor should the developer include

I'm excited and scared. One of my favorite series in recent years, but if this strays too far from the originals, I'll just have to replay the Rocksteady titles and skip this iteration.


Nail in the coffin, maybe? No matter what, they'll still be around next gen coming up with something crazy.

Having a problem... When I click on a link I get logged out. I can successfully login again, but it is annoying to get booted.

The problem is not the price or the specs. You could build a better machine that is larger, and louder (and not as pretty) for less money, but people often give more money than this for far less product. This is not the issue with this machine as a viable gaming option.

What the hell is this? From what we've seen of the actual game thus far, this seems completely unrelated. It is as if they are trying to get people not to buy their games. This just took away any excitement I had for the actual game.

This game used to have a great website, and it got me really excited about the world and the possibilities for gameplay. The website is gone now, and it is just a teaser for the upcoming releases. I think they need to bring back their original marketing ideas to get the word out again; the world they created can speak