
http://youtu.be/ http://gizmodo.com/5897954/this-weeks-top-web-comedy-video-downton-arbys

So I usually enjoy Brian Vaughn's stuff, but I haven't gotten into Saga yet. Maybe soon...

As a console gamer, what I would need in a PC to truly replace my PS3 or 360... Easily upgradeable hardware (Graphics, RAM), a case that is the size of a console so it can sit in the place of my PS3 or 360, easy connection to my TV, Blu-Ray and DVD capability, complete ability to run games without DRM (I say this

Ah, Duke... what a horrible controller! Also, I would like to see how Blink looks in third person. Haven't played Dishonored yet, but I heard maybe some of the NPCs have this ability. Is there any additional animation, or does someone just disappear and reappear very fast?

So every single time there is a Batman article, I spend two hours searching for information about Rocksteady's next game.

My problem here is the comically large weapon. However, this may simulate some real-life field of vision for someone wielding an RPG. With great power comes great (awareness-in-your-surroundings) responsibility.

Is the PS3 version really that bad?

I know it isn't right, but I have to say that I like the Steelers' throwback uniforms.

Jonas Antonsson's quote upsets me greatly. The linked article talks about how games were originally intended as a multiplayer experience, which I can see from early games like Tennis and Pong, but the idea of a game telling a story through gameplay was not in full swing until single-player experiences like Space

Just a note: I don't think "Michael" had MOSTLY multi-platform characters. If you count everyone, I think you'll find that the cross-platform characters are not in the majority.

I can agree with the blues assessment and its connection to America's folk soul. And I definitely understand that the tone of the commercial is not the tone that will be set up in the game. It injects the trailer with energy, possibly to incorporate those players who are simply looking for a visceral thrill. These

A quote from Whitney Wade: "Along the way fans have always talked about the potential of multiplayer, some fans have also mentioned they don't want to dilute the single player experience. So we made the decision to move forward with multiplayer without diluting the single player experience."

I don't think you should abandon all interest of a game because of the music in a trailer, but I do see your point.

This controller just showed Kotaku that it's full of people ready to believe in good.

I would have lost myself for years if this was out in the 90s. Foot ninja, awesome. Shredder, wicked. Michelangelo's tongue, classic.

The beer will kill us all before the Zapper will.

M. Night Shamamalaman over here!!

I understand that, and I think this is a great idea for a DLC pack too. I love you. You wanna get coffee sometime?

Technically, I didn't DL some of it. I also got it at an extreme deal, and it would have been so even at market price. And dude, I'll level, I'm not really against DLC by any means. I think what I really feel: If I pay full price for a game on day 1, I feel entitled to the full experience. Day 1 DLC undermines the

GOTY editions. On sale. Played them both.