They arent the only ones to fail to understand US copyright law it seems.
Business is just a bit ethically challenged. Car business just more so.
Gig those horns to hell.
Who cares?
Code for white.
Absolutely was criminal intent. And intent transfers.
You missed the part where they announced they were debuting next month? I like attention too.
The internet is a weird, wonderous, and depressing place indeed.
I thought he was joking and playing along for the first few replies. Then I feared he was serious. The exchange had so much potential.
Subjective isn’t objective. Learn that. Then work on humor. Maybe watch some comedy. I bet they MIGHT just say things as if theyre true even if it isnt a fact for comedic effect. Almost as if thats the point.
You know what they say about anecdotes . . .
I think you missed the joke that a non sumerged jeep sucks as much as a submerged vehicle. Again, the JOKE. It was a joke you took as him citing a fact it seems. As a jeep wrangler owner, loosen the tight wad ya got bunched up man. Gonna get pissed when someone says Ford means fix or repair daily and doesnt cite facts…
Youre not wrong. But it also seems to not be his children but he still signed up for the package. Once again, your end result, he should help and she shouldt have to feel grateful for it, but your reasoning is flawed since they arent "his" kids. And withoyt knowing more about their history and relationship you are…
Its already been broughten.
A boy and his hog.
Unice Jesse is still hot. He can make me beg to have mercy all he wants.
Ready to feel old? 2016? I just bought a 240 gb ssd for 22 dollars as a boot drive because I was hooking it up to a gm41 combo board that had the option of ddr2 or ddr3 for “maximum upgradability” (max total 8gb of either at a time), only SATA II (so who needs an evo), with a 2007 q6600 for a brain. 2016. Geez. Make a…
Ready to feel old? 2016? I just bought a 240 gb ssd for 22 dollars as a boot drive because I was hooking it up to a…
Being a royal/retired royal. Literally all the things he couldn’t do if not born into the life and had everything handed to him on a silver plater. He can profit from his name and fame that he did nothing to earn. So, obviously, proud he did it on his own. Gag.
Same for the conspiracy theorist who think a corona virus vaccine will have a nanoscopic tracking chip in it so wont get it when its available, but carry around a phone with GPS, camera and a microphone around with them 24/7. Logic gets shut off when you're chasing a narrative over reality.