I’m hoping Vladimir Putin didn’t see this photo. I’m sure he’d have to top it, and I’m not sure he’d settle for a female moose...
I’m hoping Vladimir Putin didn’t see this photo. I’m sure he’d have to top it, and I’m not sure he’d settle for a female moose...
Cleaning toilets, for example !
Read his speech “I have just been shot”. It’s AWESOME.
Perhaps you should look at the new Mac Pro before making up your mind.
Gotta get to those asteroids quick. Plenty of goodies there.
The problem there is, the animals don’t SHAPE the tool.
Dipping a stick into an ant hill and licking the ants off is tool-using, but it’s not tool-making.
Shaping a spearhead like this is no accident. Like making knitting needles, it’s a sign of intelligence.
(try knitting with a pair of twigs without shaping them)
I’m sorry, I was not under the impression you can carbon-date a stone.
They may have been going by the strata they found the spearpoint in.
You know, Spock discovered those hairy apemen on Taurus II were quite capable of making a Folsom Point spearhead.
Pesky Hobbitses. They stole My Precious. I shall squeeze them and squeeze them !!
Now, now. That’s only crystals that have been poisoned with subspace radiation from the doomed planet Krypton.
Indiana Jones already broke that story.
Dang. You beat me to it.
Optical circuitry. Capable of doing logic operations by combining red laser light into blue laser light; Red equals Zero, Blue equals One.
I thought, “well, at least we have SG Atlantis.
And then they ended THAT early.
Sure. The idea of crystalline control crystals has been around a while.
I guess Superman’s Fortress of Solitude is the best example.
Some of the Star Trek novels dug into the “dilithium crystals” concept and posited that some materials have a stable 5th Dimensional crystalline structure; the Periodic Table suddenly…
Someone should explain to you what “Balance the Budget” means.
First, we had a Balanced Budget under Clinton, in ’98 and ’99.
That means we had the same amount of revenue coming in as we were spending.
Shutting down the government doesn’t reduce spending.
Those shutdowns under Carter and Reagan were mostly harmless.
Originally, the Government kept operating without paying people. So there was little disruption, except for the people that didn’t get PAID.
But later the procedure changed, because it’s wrong to force somebody to work for nothing; NOW when some moron…
Oh, Liberals know how economics works.
It’s Conservatives that bought into that Supply Side/Laissez Faire myth in 1980.
The little problem with your “free market” theory, is that it requires people to DIE.
Ralph Nader made his bones with the Corvair.
A pretty car. Just designed by fucking incompetents.
Under certain…
Wow. You’re really dumb.
The Flu vaccine does work. After all, it’s been designed by some brilliant doctors.
Thirty two YEARS of Right Wing Propaganda led up to this.
Rupert Murdoch spent $500,000,000 over five years to establish the Fox Network, and create what was originally termed “GOP TV”.
Reagan repealed the “Fairness Doctrine”, that required News to be actually, News.
If you had an Editorial segment, it had to have the…
Then don’t get your flu shot. Take your chances with the Bird Flu mutating again.
When the meteor hits and vaporizes your house, we’ll bring marshmallows.
A lot that Government does isn’t profitable, and it’s not MEANT to be. It’s meant to be IMPORTANT, like defending the American People.