I don't think they're "scare quotes" so much as they're indicating that those are the actual words of the director, which is the "other" use of quotation marks.
Sam: "I dunno, Coach. Even washed-up golfers are giving me shit. This is a really difficult time for me..."
As an Angels fan, I can confirm that the Angels have no interest in signing him to a long term deal until he's at least 35
they probably would also send the boats and the helicopter away
You might think that what happened is disputable, or that there's some foul play at work, but the footage says otherwise: Every Knick highlight reel confirms that this is the work of a single shooter, acting alone.
Hey girl, hope you're having suicidal thoughts because my only specialty is jumpers.
Give the guy a break. How much graphic description of sister-fucking can a man take?
I work in IT, if I walked into a server room and said "this is too complex for my salary" and walked out, my ass would be fired. Tell you what Barta, I'll take your job and salary because I'm pretty fucking sure I can figure it out.
as a minnesotan, i can understand how pretty much everything is too complicated for an iowan.
Michael Dunn.
Hates thugs, so he shoots up a car full of innocent people and kills a teen because their loud music was of a type he didn't like and they refused to follow his commands to turn it down.
Although his sense of superiority won't allow him to see it, he's the very definition of a violent and dangerous thug.
To make matters worse, it was revealed to be a hoax like the same day but this post about it being a hoax doesn't show up until today?
Jezebel, you ARE the media. You posted this story, and even if Lindy put a disclaimer saying it may be false, you still posted this and ran it as it were fact. And you and Gawker have done this before with other stories that turned out to be hoaxes. Try doing some research before you post a story that turns out to be…
As ventriloquist dummies go, Yao's is incredibly lifelike.
Of greater concern is how quickly Darren Sharper showed up at the scene once he found out she was unconscious.
He was released on his own recognizance due to the fact that he's no longer a threat to run.
I feel so, so weird admitting this, but I'm a 29 year old woman and I can't get off unless I'm watching porn. Not just any porn, but specifically anal porn. Yet I don't like doing it as much in real life. I started watching porn a decade ago and it has definitely gotten worse., and I find myself having to watch…
We should have a duel of some kind. Duel between d-league and nba dunkers. If d-leaguer wins then he gets a contract with an nba team and one of the nba dunkers gets demoted. Also the trophy could be some sort of dual-headed dildo.
I'm pretty sure every adult has shit their pants one time or another.