
Not sure if troll....

Well, let's put all statistics and facts aside because someone had 2 pits that didn't kill anyone. I'm so glad the plural of "anecdote" is "data." Wait what? It's not? Oh well, fuck statistics, your experience overshadows all of that.

That is, quite possibly, the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You are awarded no points, and God help us all if people like you ever run the public discourse. There is no way you just compared DOG BREEDS to human races, is there? Wrongheaded much?

It's a good thing the plural of "anecdote" isn't "data." Once again, I demur to the statistics.

I agree. My Boxers look intimidating, and I have no doubt that they will fuck anyone up who comes into my home unwanted, but once again, can we look at statistics? Pits are disproportionately linked to attacks, on humans and other dogs, compared to other breeds. Home protection is a whole different thing. Any good dog

Yes it does. If you're implying that I am misinformed, I ain't the one, sir.

Bear baiting? Bull baiting? Pits got their NAMES from fighting in a pit. No, they weren't bred to senselessly kill at all.

So do you just purposefully ignore all the incidences in which a loving pit, from a good home, one day killed a child? I've met mean breeds of all kinds, too. Guess which one BY FAR kills the most people?

Of course all dogs were bred to kill SOMETHING. We wouldn't have kept them around if they weren't beneficial to humans. I never claimed any breed was kept just for fun. But Pits weren't bred to be hunters; they were bred to be killers. There is a difference. I've had Jack Russell Terriers, and they're the most

I'm fully aware of the reconstructed history pit apologists use to justify owning an animal bred to kill. I've heard it all before. But do you know about bear baiting and bull baiting? Pits were bred for that. Like I said a minute ago, they got their NAMES from the fact that they fought in pits. Also, poodles were

Bear Baiting? Bull baiting? What kind of dogs do you think were bred for that? Pits. That is literally where they got their name from; fighting in a pit.

Because, and it's stupid that I have to restate this over and over, but PITT BULLS WERE LITERALLY BRED TO KILL. THAT WAS THEIR ONLY PURPOSE.

I've had a dog every single year of the 37 I've lived. But yep, I know nothing about them, and statistics you don't care for are to be ignored, right?

Wow, so always having a dog of some breed or another my entire 37 years of existence means I know nothing about dogs? What are your qualifications to "have experience" with dogs, exactly? Pits kill, at a far higher rate than any other breed. I'm sorry if you choose to ignore statistics.

Oh lord, here we go. Labs and Retrievers were bred to have "soft jaws," so that they could bring in waterfowl unharmed. Chihuahuas bite way more people a year than pits, too. How many people die from them, or from labs? The overwhelming majority of deaths due to dogs are from pits.

Trying to make sure a pit won't kill is like trying to make sure a Beagle won't chase rabbits. It is literally what they were bred to do. To all the pit apologists, I can show you many articles about loving, wonderful pits from good families who one day... killed a kid. I fucking hate pits, and I would never trust one

My response was because most mras talk about acting like a "real man" or some other such nonsense. I'm basically their textbook definition of a "real man" yet somehow I recognize that as a man I am extremely privileged in society, and even consider myself a feminist. Try to keep up, junior. Maybe go back to the kiddie

They fizzle if it doesn't include the pizzle.

The poison is in the dose. Potassium is used to put people to death, and it can be a very deadly poison, yet without potassium we die.

Interestingly enough, and I have no idea if there is a correlation here at all, but depending on your age, crime rates, teen drug use, pregnancy, and alcohol use are far lower now than they were then. Have we policed ourselves into a society where crime rates fall but it's making everyone a worse person? Like maybe we