I wonder if the Ledbetter mentioned in this story is related to the Ledbetter family Jerry Clower used to always talk about. I miss him. He was funny as shit. She has to be related to Uncle Versey Ledbetter.
I wonder if the Ledbetter mentioned in this story is related to the Ledbetter family Jerry Clower used to always talk about. I miss him. He was funny as shit. She has to be related to Uncle Versey Ledbetter.
I'm from the South too, and this is true. My family really truly thinks that the racism and homophobia there is the same as everywhere else. I just look at them and say "Sorry, I'm from there too, and I know damn well it's a different, way more institutionalized hatred there." Then they'll start saying things like…
Yes! Some recognition for the Hoot! I interviewed him when he was the pitching coach for the Round Rock Express in 08 or 09. Pitched a no-hitter in his first Major League game. Hit his first home run off Nolan Ryan. Threw a knuckle curve. He was a really cool old Texas dude. Very modest, but could remember every…
I still think the Sciavo Unplugged album was just a tasteless money grab.
"And whenceforth one man alone feeds bears to lions, verily shalt thou know the apocalyse is nigh." Revelations 28:14
There will soon be more red dots on the cans and bottles.
Holy shit. I'm sad now.
Afraid of the Range Rover? Ever single biker I know for some reason think everyone else is afraid of them. I used to hang out with a "club" (not a gang; these dudes were all middle class and just played dress-up on the weekends) and it was hard for me not to laugh in their faces when they talked about walking into…
They just got McClusterfucked.
My money's on "The Hurt Locker."
How much brain bandwidth does it take up to write blog posts defending one's rotundness? We get it: obese people also need to feel justified in themselves and what they do, just like the rest of us. I really like your writing, Lindy, but it seems like ever since the nasty, horrible comments you received after going on…
Wow. So how many spears have you killed? Are you ever gonna go after Britney?
I know that it's a real and serious thing, but I can't help but laugh every time I read "bush meat." I just picture big, floppy, succulent labia.
So if you commit to something, you haven't made a commitment?
I never said YA doesn't sell. If that's the mark of how "good" something is, then American idol and NCIS are better tv shows than Breaking Bad or The Wire. As far as me reading any YA, I've read and really enjoyed the Harry Potter books, and thought the Hunger games books were entertaining. For sure, they're fun, easy…
haha "challenge you on literature?" I had no idea it was a contest. Salinger is only considered YA now because of how dated his writing is. It sure as hell wasn't considered YA when it was published. Salinger is plenty sophisticated; the ravages of time have made him appropriate for junior high kids now. Which only…
Attitude? I didn't realize I came in with an attitude. Also, you said "the market" is complex. I know that YA fiction is a complex market, but that doesn't mean the writing is. I know you desperately want it to be, to validate your MFA, but sorry, non-intellectually stunted adults don't really give a shit about "Young…
Are you fucking serious? You're bitching about the preferred nomenclature? I can't think of anything that requires commitment more than suicide. Jesus Fingerbanging Christ.
I worked at a sushi restaurant in Austin several years back and a couple ordered the chef's choice platter (I forget what we called it.) Anyway, the woman said "Make SURE there isn't any tuna on it. I'm allergic to tuna." I furrowed my brow and said "You're allergic to tuna, but not any other fish?" After a little…
I'd be kinda surprised if anyone getting a Masters in anything said "yes, my field is shallow and unimaginative and not good at all." I mean come on.