
Two in one: Hommell Barquette and Renault Sport Spider.

Vaillante Grand Défi

By boycotting this movie you won´t hit Card, you won´t hit NOM, you´ll only hit Lionsgate, and subsequently their staff, designers, actors, writers, directors, the lot.

Oh yeah, she´s lovely, is she not? Even gives Lily Bell a run for her money.

Third seasons´s in the works.

Hell on wheels is especially brilliant when it come to accents.

Idris Elba is the Jaegermeister!!! :D

There actually was a pilot, with several actors different from the actual series, and a way more "cardboardy" set design. It was godawful! Concidentally watched it on TV years after the series had aired. Made me really wonder how this could have prompted people to develop any interest for the series in the first place.

Hell on Wheels!

I will NOT boycott this movie, and I´ll tell you why.

Anyone remember the 200o XK180 concept. Now that was one sleek, sinewy concept without too much retro hoo- ha! They should have given it a proper windshield, if only to tide over to the current F type.

Dear George RR Martin,

I love your original idea and what the talented Mr Simonetty made out of it.

Makes me think, though... why did the Kingslayer have to push his own sword into King Aerys´ back when a gentle push in the general direction of the Throne would have done the trick (plus might have been fed as an

FUCK YEAH! Finally fucking Detroit allows Opel/ Vauxhall the long awaited halo model to build some reputation again.

Krull! Five blades to boot, and it doubles for a boomerang as well!

BOOOORING!!! THIS is a SciFi truck worth its oats.

P1800? Any day. But why the "wagon", I´d rather have the sleek and way more classy Simon Templar style coupé.

Compact Volvo with a Ford/Aston grille...

Audi Urquattro Kombi by Artz.

Well, so far it´s semi- vapourware, being a rolling chassis with scantily clad girls standing around it, and a few CG renders, but hey. it loks promising. Though I wouldn´t call it a Supercar exactly. But its stance is slightly Stratos- flavoured, good ground clearance, a compact package...

Lancias don´t need no stinkin´resto- mods, they need Lancia actually putting those concepts into production, fo cryin´ out loud!