
I hold so much love for bullet hell shmups. Touhou on Legendary difficulty is such an enjoyable bout of masochism.

I can't 'find info, it may have been a dream (my sieve-like memory doesn't help :p) however-

Oh dear. I hope somebody let her know she was falling out of her top! How embarrassing.

Two things:

Aw. When i saw the thumbnail of the video on the main page, i thought it was Joey Diaz.

Oh duuuuude... The Chairman of Iron Chef: America is going to be SOOOOO pissed when he sees this headline!

Oh, fiddle-sticks. Misread the headline as "punish like the gimp in pulp fiction." Time to see the eye doctor!

While 'gimmicky' for the time being, AR will be opening up as more developers get their collective mitts on it.

I tie it up in leather, grab the cat-of-9-tails and scream, "You filthy, filthy gaming equipment!"

Um. It works JUST like TV.

And cancer-, alcohol-, auto- and saturated fat-related online deaths COMBINED are less than those of the slime.

Why does Link look like Hypnotoad?

Great, Scott!

This guy!


Saddened at A. These aren't real.

Been looking up to Sam for his work for a bit now. The man is amazing.

Wish i could see it to tell you. But the image is blocked.

National Public Rockband: DIY Edition

Democrat, republican, Christian, Muslim, black, white, fat, thin... it doesn't matter. If you decide to throw your ideals into another person's face, you're wrong. If you're trying to make a point by slandering the other side, you're wrong.