
Is that big thing in the back Jeff Bridges?

Well, seeing as how the RRoD only effects some of the 360 owners, and how the PSN outage effects everyone owning a PS3, i'd say the PSN outage takes the cake.

Well, i also have asshole friends, doesn't mean i don't love em ;)

I don't know if a game legitimately be called an asshole, however, Battletoads is an asshole.

I get faded and mod arcade sticks (button layouts, add multi console support, artwork, plexi work etc etc etc).

D'oh! Heard a blurb about this on G4. Found this article here. I couldn't figure out why this game looked so unfamiliar.

They are so fetch!

I would hope everyone! Click the link. It's zombie-proof AND transforming! It's absolutely stunning! I love exclamation points!

"Is there such a thing as a secure house?"

If she would pile all those products together, but do it without making a sound, would it make a...

See my reply to lonecow. Aside from the Zune tattoo, the rest were all plays on the word Tattoo :)

Wordplay, my man. Tattoo. tATu. Tatooine. 'de plane, de plane' was Tattoo from Fantasy Island.

I think the AR card fits into a category a little better than "stupidest."

Apparently you don't watch Doctor Who (or haven't watched the first two eps of the new series). :)

*also covers up Kotattoo.

Passing fads for tattoos? Who needs 'em!

Oh man! That'll look GREAT next to my *deep breath*-

Forever will the name Oozie Nelson be ingrained in my memories for the early '90s.

THAT was what the code did! It was entered as the Jaleco logo was 'said,' right?

I don't believe Obama's really dead. Show us his long form death certificate.