Probably different by each market but this is the followup story the Pioneer Press ran after Comcast sent out the flyers to all subscribers; Comcast plan to charge for device causes confusion, controversy
Probably different by each market but this is the followup story the Pioneer Press ran after Comcast sent out the flyers to all subscribers; Comcast plan to charge for device causes confusion, controversy
Ha ha. I graduated from SCSU in 2005 and aside from some anti-antisemitism news this is the only thing to put that school in the national spotlight. This is also the school that cancelled Homecoming because the parties were too much for the city and college.
Then it will be officially time to cut the cord!
If your TV is newer you don't need it. ComCrap (I like that) sent out a flier to everyone in Mpls saying you need an adapter no matter what to get channels. So, like an idiot, I hopped online and signed up for one. Local newspaper figured it out and ran a huge story. ComCrap backpedaled and told people the details and…
Only got 5
You damn right he did. #huskypride
Same thing happened/is- happening in Mpls and it drives me insane. All my friends want the biggest/best house their money can buy. My wife and I chose a pretty large home but closer in and more expensive per/sq. foot but way close to our jobs. This morning it snowed 3 inches and I got to work in 18 minutes instead of…
I did the same. If I go out shopping I check the label for any discounts I should be aware of.
Also grew up in Minnesota and we called it Pickle in the Middle .. because you are in a pickle if you are in the middle. Really it's that simple and avoids all racial undertones.
I need music to run. I prefer rap/rock/punk and mostly stuff I know the words too. Can't agree more - definitely need to start with a longer than usual song. My choice - Sanitarium by Metallica. A good finishing song is 8 Mile.
Stay classy NHL
Hired a buddies dad this year. He's been a CPA for 30+ years. H&R Block took a cut of my return the one year I used them and Turbo Tax screwed me because of some student interest rate not being a write-off though Turbo Tax said it was. I had to pay that write-off back. When I contacted Quicken they said that I "was…
Agreed. My wife and I started doing this right before Christmas with hopes of going on vacation for cheap next year. Once our daycare started accepting Visa this was a no brainer. We use our Capital One for everything and pay it as often as we want and have yet to pay interest. You have to be organized and disciplined…
I would advise against borrowing against your equity unless absolutely necessary. Your home is not an asset, it's a liability. It does not bring you money, it takes your money.
I've often read and now believe that an individuals weight fluctuates too much to validate weighing yourself constantly. I've heard the range is between 3-7 pounds. If a newbie starts working out and sees in instant gain of 3, loss of 1, gain of 4 and so on they may become unmotivated and give up. I suggest weighing…
Never been a fan of Monoprice. Others love it but I've never been satisfied with a product from them. Just because it's cheap doesn't mean its a deal. Especially if it doesn't work.
You hiring?