How is this even gaming news?
How is this even gaming news?
The democratically elected president is not a fascist.
“Fascist” and “right-wing authoritarian moron” are rightly interchangeable in the parlance of our times.
Right? And they’re not very sophisticated ones either, more’s the pity. I suspect this Splinter article was referenced in some reddit edgelord grotto.
Where the hell did all these far-right trolls come from?
“None of these people are shutting down free speech. None of these people are advocating for the use of violence against people over political opinions.”
Not in enough numbers to win anything. The NRA only has about 5 million members. Many gun control measures opposed by the NRA poll well over 50%. If anything, we need to ostracize and demonize the ammosexuals much more harshly than we currently do.
Marion. Fucking. Le Pen.....
I sent the tip to Rafi night before last just because it looked too much like a Legion of Doom gathering and with the SVB, FSB and GRU here when they’re not even supposed to be in this country, ever, till sanctions on them are lifted,I figured something terrible might be going down and people should know about it.…
“Well, actually …” ;-)
centrists DO have to reach out to moderate rights
LMAO keep fuckin that chicken and enjoy all the right wing policies you’re gonna get.
Does Russia have a sex tape of hers or something that she seems so hellbent on violence?
Those would be the same moderate rights that the Clinton campaign catered to while maligning the left? A winning strategy, to be sure.
I think extreme thirst is the most widely shared ethos among the right wing punditry. See also: Yanapopadopalous, Milo and Hannity, Sean “Human Pair Of Dad Jeans”.
It’s pretty well established that conservative causes choose their female spokespersons by criteria that don’t require them to be personable. They want girls who are as combative as they are fuckable—and they better be very combative.
It’s pretty well established that conservative causes choose their female spokespersons by criteria that don’t require them to be personable (or, for that matter, particularly knowledgeable or honest). They want girls who are as combative as they are fuckable—and they better be very combative.
Not even the best part. Look where they found her:
Think about this for a second. Dana Loesch is NRA spokesperson because she was THE MOST PERSONABLE INDIVIDUAL THEY COULD FIND TO DEFEND THEIR BULLSHIT.
Wouldn’t it be easier to just disallow the item altogether? I mean, a 2% drop rate is ridiculously low.