
And you’re in the grey?!

TeamAmericaFuckYeah is a goddamned right wing troll. He’s a Trump supporting, anti DACA, pro ICE, wall enthusiast and yet I’m seeing him all over this story pretending to be something else. Check his comment history. He’s all over Splinter with that shit. Not sure what he’s trying to pull here with his fuck the

It takes a lot of nerve to come here and call Tomi a troll. As for the rest of your crap, you’d be damn lucky to see me roll up on the scene if you needed medical help, because I’m professional enough and skilled enough to provide the best care to everyone, even complete assholes. Have a nice day, Meteor!  

I’m a cynic too. I’m an EMT, I’ve had to work with cops. Their racism is no longer even a little shocking. They’re the worst kind of terrible people: the ones who think they’re heroes. If Jeff Sessions hadn’t gone to law school, he’d be chief of police in backwoods Alabama right now. Even the “nice” guys that everyone

Anti-blackness will never perish. It is the paramount foundation of this country. These people are everywhere, in all sectors of society, constantly making life more difficult for us. The obstacles never end and the “good ones” stay complicit and complacent. The damage is already done and we are past the point of

It’s always especially disgusting to watch their coworkers and superiors act shocked that a loud and open racist is actually a racist.

Another day, another worthless, soulless white exposing themselves.

Nah, you know what divides us?

Where did you see me say that we should go hating on all cops? Don’t come at me with that Trump comprehension, seeing what you want to see and spinning it. Don’t.

That happens in Japan and it works. We need that here. Sadly with the Wild West carry mentality, it won’t happen

Many European forces are moving towards having even their beat cops needing the equivalent of a Bachelors in criminology as a basic requirement. We should do the same, a high school diploma or GED just isn’t good enough anymore.

Beat cops and traffic cops should not carry guns. They don’t need to carry guns, and letting them carry guns gives them a power trip and an unwarranted inflated sense of their place within the justice system. The only cops who should carry guns are SWAT and even they need retraining to remind them that they are

That wont matter. Beverly Hills PD requires cops to have a bachelors degree.

To the people who will say “he’s only one of a few police who feel this way...most police aren’t racist”

The bar to become a police office needs to be set wwwwaaaaaaay higher.

Its almost being completely remade in the DS III/Bloodborne engine. Praise that motherfucking Sun!!!!

When vigilantes are given the green light to lynch drug users — the president of the country bragging about having done so himself — you can imagine why foreigners flying into the country for an event may not want to be drug tested.

Good move, failed drug test - death squad at your house.

Jeff Sessions gets hard thinking about the Philippines bullshit War on “Drugs.”