
That was multiple accusers, for the record. “Al Franken secretly wanted to kiss me but didn’t.” One was in private at the radio station, another was the lady from this story that claimed the secret kiss was on stage, in front of their spouses and an audience and on live TV. Another accuser said he made her felt fat

In the original article about this, you wrote this:

The hundred mile zone WAS the result of a SCOTUS ruling. IIRC the case was from the 80s or 90s. 

You might consider referring this column to your colleagues at Jezebel, who did/said a whole lot worse to Al Franken. He had accusers, too. None of them in the slightest bit credible, but you do you.

More “obvious” than “dark,” but he definitely jerks it to thoughts of AOC every single day. Too horny to be near a single woman? Afraid of the socialists? He’s definitely feeling guilty for fetishizing AOC.

Forcibly. When asked for details about what happened on the helicopter, he plead the fifth. The prosecutor asked the judge to immunize him so the fifth didn’t apply, and then the medic came up with some Law & Order bullshit. It just doesn’t happen in real life (except this time, obviously).

That was a thoughtful, intelligent summary of key debate highlights. Your article sparked a debate in my household, which is a serious compliment.

God have mercy on me for saying it, but he might technically be accurate (emphasis on “might”).

Secretly spitting in their food is useless. People need to make a statement and stand up for what’s right, publicly. What good does it do to spit in their food if no one knows about it? Secret spit isn’t insulting a monster, it’s just really gross.

Political machines, by definition, don’t pick the stronger candidates. They pick who they think they can both control and get elected. A more accurate term, albeit an old-fashioned one, would be “the good ol’ boy network.”

In general, what you wrote would be good advice. This is one of those exceptions.

That’s because it IS “incredibly constructed.” First he threatens to blow the place up, then says he’s not going to blow the place up, and we’re supposed to thank him for his mercy.

“Fuck you, Mayor” seems like a major step for equality. 

You forgot about the time a woman went on CNN and said that, when he non-sexually & consensually put his hand around her waist in a quick photo op, it accidentally made her feel fat and was therefore some form of sexual assault. And the anonymous accusers who went to legitimate press outlets, were rejected, and so

He might have campaigned that long in order to keep pushing the same positive message he’s been pushing for 60 years (unlike many of his opponents). Or he was hoping that Clinton would be murdered by a paroled Sirhan-Sirhan, but that’s ridiculous, right? Only a total sociopath would publicly wish for such things,

Larry the Cat is clearly no class traitor. He’s a working class schmuck like 99% of us. In fact, in the US, his job description is often described as “Charlie Work.” Good on him for sticking it to The Man.

Nah, that was a war crime. The US isn’t even a party to many/most sensible military treaties (many nuke treaties, landmine treaties, various ABM treaties, International Criminal Court, banning cluster bombs, the international trade of small arms and munitions, and a whole lot more)

Blaming a Jew for your own loss, making a Jew into a scapegoat... I feel like I’ve seen that before. There should probably be a word for it. 

Hmmm... If only there were a major action, about this very issue, taking place tomorrow (during the Dallas-based meeting between workers and management).