
Dried shrimp isn't bad. Shrimp sauce tastes absolutely DISGUSTING.


"The most fun you can have by yourself in bed"

I really don't even bother using the facebook chat or messages. I mainly don't use the chat since most of the people that I want to talk with aren't online at the time. I don't use the messages since I could use email and have a far higher quality formatting.

Snow days are awesome! When your grouchy and sleepy in the morning, then you hear that school is cancelled you'll say "Thank Fucking God". Then promptly fall back asleep.


My school district actually sends out phone calls whenever school is cancelled or delayed. I'm always excited whenever I get a call in the morning. Well, I shouldn't say excited. But when I'm sleepy and grouchy, then I get this miraculous call (the superintendent doesn't like to cancel school :( ) I'm always happy,

A tad bit perverted but...

The entire ChromeOS idea is flawed. You MUST have at least some type of offline functionality. When the netbook (I refuse to call it a laptop since its so underpowered) finally develops that functionality, then the OS will become viable. Otherwise, what happens if you get disconnected from the Internet? Your

@Josh_Geyer: Mainly a combination of luck and timing.


I feel so SO nerdy right now for knowing what that tool was before I even read the article...

Consider who is more valuable to Google, unskilled laborers who are easily replaceable, or skilled/talented engineers who are rare.

Trust me when I say this, learning cursive was nothing short of hell. It put a massive strain my hands.

I'm sure it can be done eventually, but its impossible for it to be made during the next year.

In the current iPhone model, I'm pretty sure the battery alone is thicker than that. My iPod touch (which has been, and will always be, thinner than the iPhone) isn't even that thin.

Just saying this but, its highly unlikely the next iPhone will be that thin. There's no way you can fit all of the iPhone's component into that small of an container. Now, I might buy this if it was the iPod touch. But since its not I'm not going to believe it.