

Unique Situation

I never really understood why everyone trolled on AT&T, of course its probably pretty congested in the urban areas.

Sprint tech support isn't bad.

"Having the redesign is too mainstream"

I prefer the PC version. MUCH higher resolution and quality. :)

Hehe, I beated you... after only one hour of practice.

Know what's addicting?

Yeah, ISP stuff generally sucks ass.


Quick FYI, the major carriers typically boost your download speeds on that test. By like a lot. One times I got like 50MB/s down. In reality I only get consistent speeds of 1MB/s, the highest I've ever seen my speed go is 1.7MB/s. Even then it only lasted for like 5 seconds.

57%, Give me a five minutes to know their personalities, voices, and names and I would be able to do it.