
Off topic but, the following is a joke about Congress.

@accio_coffee: Heh, I should try this the next time a telemarketer calls....

@japzone: The lady in the voice mail talks kinda fast when compared to the normal one.

@sgtyukon: Alternatively you could say, in a whisper, "Thank god you've called, there's someone in my house, I think its my ex trying to kill me" You might get in trouble with the police, but it would be a good idea for idle chit chat with friends.

One time I was bored and a telemarketer called. I basically let her (Indian accent) talk for like 20 minutes. She kept on asking to let her give a voice verification for putting the bill onto my phone bill. I kept on saying, "Quick Question". Eventually I got bored of this and hanged up, a good 30 minutes after the

The worst food for eating in front of a laptop is ramen. I use chopsticks (I'm chinese). In order to get the noodles down to a temperature that won't burn my throat I need to cool it down by blowing the noodles and the soup from it somehow gets onto my laptop and screen, which is on the desk I'm eating at.

@KamWrex: You needed a graphing calculator when you were in 8th grade? That's kinda insane.

Windows 98? (Title Picture) Oh how I shudder.

@kake81: Ever heard of "Mike Hawk" the drug addict? I'm serious. I saw a health video about him. He was featured on Opera for his family's addiction to some kind of drug. (His wife, twins; thankfully however, their baby wasn't addicted)

I actually live relatively close to Fort Wayne, IN. But I've literally never heard of Henry Baals until a couple days ago. Is it bad that I don't even know anything about my city government outside of the name of the mayor? Also the fact that the current county health inspector is a... well you get the idea.

Excellent idea, but the problem is that they're competitors in the music industry. It would make it far too easy to compare good music to bad music and compare cheap music to expensive music. That's no even counting the antitrust problems they would very likely incur.

If all four of the major label companies collectively make a hub that sells all of the label's music, it might work. Unfortunately however, this is highly unlikely due to antitrust laws along with the fact that the labels are competitors in the industry.

For a second there I thought the Chinese picture were pictures of my cousins. I'm not at all joking. They literally look just like that.

I would much rather prefer a GB of data.

I'm going to guess that he has a program running in the background that automatically changes the wallpaper according to the time it currently is.

My question is whether or not it'll have a decent battery life. I mean sure its great and all that mobile processors are starting to reach levels of a computer's processor. But how long will the battery last?

@Louis Tovar: My head hurts from his screaming....