So much winning . . . A trip to the unemployment office, a broken face, public shame. . . That's a lot of W's
So much winning . . . A trip to the unemployment office, a broken face, public shame. . . That's a lot of W's
Right? She disowns her daughter for being gay, marches to a racist protest, gets decked in the face, and catches a pink slip when she gets home. All in a day’s work.
Imagine losing your job after being outed as a racist supporter of domestic terrorism, all because your rebellious daughter decided she was too woke for whiteness.
I am glad kids this generation are more woke and tired of the boomer bullshit and she is a great kid who I hope will become a great adult for being aware of reality unlike her shit mother, she can go fuck herself with a hypocrisy stick.
Got their asses handed to them, AND proved they rejected democracy all in one day.
Imagine if Trump had been competent, or had used his four years to really prepare and place people instead of playing golf and trying to get real estate scams off the ground. The tragic thing is that as bad as Trump is, we still got lucky in how incompetent he was.
In America, you have rights. All the ones you can afford, that is. You poor? You fucked.
Been in America long? The rich and powerful are always above the law unless you REALLY piss off your fellow rich. THEN they come after you.
The GOP has been stacking the deck for decades and they STILL got their ass handed to them in this last election.
Nope. Just like Sherman should have kept on going and going and going, leaving behind smoldering ashes and graves full of proud treason committing racist dicks like your grandparents. He should have left the entire south with ashes and bodies and made clear that he and those after him would come right on down time and…
They are playing with everyone’s LIVES.
It’s not ignorance, it’s indoctrination; they’re a cult.
The entire philosophy predicates itself on clutching to the goddamned past.
Conservatism, especially the modern variant, is a dead fucking end. Socially, economically, spiritually, mentally, name it.
1. Imagine getting a job interview where you actively refused to answer any questions, bc you know you had the votes.
Ugh, cancer has not made this guy a better person. However, I still cannot stop myself from having a trauma response hearing someone is in end stage. After watching my mom die from advanced cancer earlier this year and my bff about 10 years ago, it’s just so hard not let it get me in the feels.
Several days ago, I began watching the original Neon Genesis Evangelion series for the first time, on Netflix. I went in completely blind, knowing nothing about it. I’m really enjoying it so far and eager to finish it so I can start checking out the movies, at least two of which are also on Netflix.
Not many TV shows…
Is it just me, or is this season really...lacking? I’m not seeing anything that makes me excited.
He crossed state lines, a federal case could be made....