
The so called “American Dream” is truly gone or was it a dream turned nightmare and fraud.

Well that explains a lot. I’ve seen these memes before and not get it. Now I do.

Correction: “nope, didn’t stab him, he fell on my knife after I threw away the banana peel, which he stepped on, his fault, not mine.... (eating banana)”

I was a toddler during the Reagan days, what’s your take on him? Things kinda went downhill with Bush Senior and so forth.

Great article, I wish I can buy if I have the space but I only need one:

I had an argument with a friend of mine, he missed the point of the ending. I told him when”Moses and his people” went through a lot and I mean a shit ton of trouble, you’d give up everything just to live free, free of hassles. For me, the ending is poetically peaceful. The passing of the President of the Colonies,

A friend of mine saw it and got into a heated fight with someone else who finds it funny. It was at a party, guys watching the game, I wasn’t there but they kicked the laughing idiot out.

Quake 3 says hello.

Which Season and episode is that from? can’t recall.

“That’s how you calibrate.”

Now we have conspiracies and racists trying to pretend whites were robbed.

and that is why I stay away from Jezebel, it equates to pretentious and condescending remarks from people who probably wants to feel better about themselves and makes others looks bad. The type of people makes things worse as it is already bad.

His car allowance equals my salary.

I met one who was from my highschool, gave me his business card, went to his business unanounced..... It was a telemarketing place, I knew his smooth talk and sugarcoating will get him somewhere. Really it was a dump. Tried to hire me and coax me into his “company”. I made an incredible feat that day: Rolling eyes and

Sounds like a leech.

Too many chiefs, not enough warriors.

Takes a lot of time and resources to train/treat a normal human being to a full fledged space marine and only to die in a battle for the unlucky ones.

Thank you so much for this article, I’ve been looking for it for a while. Once a friend asked me about ninjas because I came back from Japan on vacation and I had a blank stare on my face

Still, it’s funny but I feel sorry for her.