Close to a romance novel?
Close to a romance novel?
I'm sorry, "dropbears"? They... um..... do a wrestling drop?
You have a Steam account? or Skype?
It can be a censor bar. It's censoring his crotch. That's why the law enforcer likes the bar.
I was thinking Minority Report because it's day time.
That face would say: "Who's scary now? Bitch."
Well, I think it's time to come over to your place this summer.
Friend of mine told me about them, the look on my face when she mention the Ontario Gov. made the sisters into a tourist attraction..... so angry.
This ones for you and others like you:
Agreed, by a long shot, they got away with murder, indirectly.
Stupidity + denial = Mrs Alcorn.
Do it and record it.
You could say her true strength lies below her belt....
While you're at it, help yourself getting a beer from his fridge. Glad he got caught. I thought calling 911 at a phone booth and hang up was bad enough, this swatting is huge in comparison.
So sociopath? getting attention?
gif = Gran Torino?