"There's a beast in every man and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand."
"There's a beast in every man and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand."
I thought it was a urban legend.
On top of that, it's a good thing Isaac and Ellie finished the job with the machine. If not, the machine, like any machine, will break down or ran out of juice, no matter how advance the technology is and the convergence will resume.
i agree with Darigaazrgb, Ellie wanted to destroy the markers, she got stuck with markers gibberish language in the admiral's quarters aboard the derelict ship, so she "called" in the marker expert, Isaac.
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” — Thomas Jefferson
Too late I saw that artist's work in sankakucomplex.com , made my mouth taste bitter. Then again, every country/culture has their own darkside, which I accept the facts they exist, understands the circumstances but do not condone degradation. Hence, I choose to ignore those darkside just as I ignore some punk taking a…
Oh Vancouver Island, I thought it's the city. I live in Montreal Quebec, cost of living is almost cheap but we get taxed a lot. We're plagued by potholes and road constructions, we have poutines, smoked meat, ok truth be told I'm trying to find something positive to say about the city but not much. Obviously the…
I went to Japan Osaka, went to a place called Den Den Town, it's comparable to Akihabra from Tokyo and I shocked by the amount of "loli" videos/books with mature contents in stores. What's even more shocking is even girls go into these store and there's also store clerks are girls too. Stores and stores like that I…
Oh Vancouver, I've always wanted to go there but I'm pouring my efforts to go to Japan, again, went twice. I'm trying to visit every interesting cities over there annually, Vancouver will have to wait unless you can tell me what's interesting. :)
That anime was hilarious.
Sorry to hear that. My friend is still in the army as a combat engie (reservist), met people at his unit used to hang around with them, listening to their stories. Lately I don't go visit anymore because the friends I've made are no longer there, most of them have moved on. If I did joined, I would either be a combat…
well we have taser guns and pepper sprays for now.... very crude but effective nonetheless.
Are you by any chance a member of the CDN military? Because I get the feeling you are or at least know someone in the military. I do, nearly joined, i chickened out at the last second, my friend joined, he kinda regret it. and the stuffs he experienced. lots of stories, lots. will be happy to share. :)
"... a lot of the shit we use was in service in World War 2." That explains why they put a pan under their old trucks, they kept leaking.
...set on stun, then poke them with a pointed stick.
Psst.... the gun industry and the NRA are after the gaming industry because they want people spend money on guns and not games. They probably gave incentives to politicians to berate video games.
Wha? *Hick* Sowwy, kant heer yuuu?
Key phrase: "The Chinese don't believe in it." In my experience, along with my chinese friends and friends who went to China. They're very superstitious and austere. Hell, one of my chinese friend told me having a son gives fortune to the family, which explains a lot why there's many guys in China and girls are…
Funny but I hate WD40 because I have to work with that stuff almost every day, at least my neighbor's dog leaves me alone from the smell I carry. Oh yeah, it's an excellent insecticide.
Agreed, especially the storytelling part but the worst part in my opinion is a Deus Ex Machina: Someone or something sort of like an act of God just solved everything for the protagonist he had to work for.