I don't think he is criticizing the game so much as commenting on the current state of innovation in the gaming industry.
I don't think he is criticizing the game so much as commenting on the current state of innovation in the gaming industry.
I believe that we will swim.
This is what excites me about the next generation of games. I'm really indifferent about graphics but anxious for the opportunity to see where AI gets taken to. This may end up being broken and buggy as hell but it's a step in the right direction towards what, at least I think, gamers want: new experiences and new…
Always had an Xbox because I like the controller the most. Nothing against Playstation, they just never have/had any exclusives that would warrant me wanting to shell out the money for a second system.
Show of hands: how many other people are going to be screaming lines from "Heat" the entire time they're playing this?
Microsoft/Sony presentations: "Oh, greeeatttt, another Halo/Uncharted game. Just what the world needed" *rolls eyes*
So "Made by DICE" means it will come out in 2015 and be playable by 2016.
If, if, if the Nemesis system works, it will be a buy for me. Pretty much the biggest thing I look for in a game is replayability. However, this seems to be kind of ambitious and I guess I'm skeptical because everything that ends up being ambitious in gaming lately is kinda cool but also kinda broken.
This is just ripe with hyperbole. The gear drops are random, no matter what class you play you can't just face roll your way to "top-level gear in 6 hours of total gameplay".
With a 2014 release date, that means it will actually be playable by mid-2015 I assume.
I'm kind of terrified to ask how Blood Meridian helped you through anything.
There is something to be said for taking care of your appearance. Appearances DO matter because it is physical, tangible proof that you, you know, actually care. Like telling people you're a "nice guy". No one gives a shit if you say that, show it. Spring for a couple decent shirts, get an actual hair cut, trim your…
You can stream stuff through Xbox One, friend. I do it all the time.
And, god damn it, why am I in the grey? I left this backwater town two years ago.
I don't equate "motor" with "liking football". Playing defensive line, the ball is not always going to come your way but you still have to do things like play contain or hold your position on the line of scrimmage, things that are boring as fuck but have to be done anyway.
I don't have cable anymore and that kind of bums me out because I enjoyed the voice commands a lot. I did, however, just find out that I can stream movies from my PC to my Xbox, which is amazing (apparently this was a capability that the 360 had and I was just not aware of it).
You don't have to buy it. You don't need it. You can navigate the TV controls with either the game controller, Kinect, SmartGlass, or you can still use the remote that comes with your cable provider. This is just another option. I think you're trying too hard to be outraged by this.
Somewhere, Darren Sharper just got an erection.
I'm still not sure what the draw of this game is. It seems like it should just be called The Stanford Prison Experiment Simulator.