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Nolan's version of Batman makes a much better movie, but for some reason I am still entertained more by the first two Tim Burton adaptations. I could argue all the reasons why, but I'll just leave you with this.

I'm liking this as hard as I can.

You would think Sally Jenkins would of known something was up when, shortly after her interview with Paterno, she noticed that the mug he was drinking out of was made by I'm-Not-Some-Aging-Granddad-Who-Was-Deceived Porcelain.

The idea that any sane, responsible adult would knowingly cover up for a child predator is impossible to accept.

I dare you to say that to Virgil's face.

No thanks. My wrist is still recovering from Wii Bowling.

Molesting kids is not an NCAA violation, correct, as it doesn't effect competitive balance. But I would contend hiding that fact would give you an edge.

This was going to be what I would point out.

I've owned NCAA every year since 1995 when I was just wee gamer playing on Sega Genesis. This will be the first year since then that I won't purchase an NCAA football game, which was always a constant staple in my gaming collection that I would play year round and the rare game I would go to midnight releases for.


He's on the record saying his favorite book is the Aeneid, which is rife with pederasty. Though, the real crime here is the pretentiousness of saying your favorite book is the Aeneid without a hint of irony.

Long time Kotaku reader, first time poster. I finally felt passionate enough to post about something: my hatred for EA Sports.