
I feel like this buries the best part of the beef, where a Drumpf supporter called John Legend uneducated (because of course) and he responded, “actually the Donald and I graduated from the same university”. Daaaaaamn. You couldn’t plan for a more perfect burn.

I’m with the librarian about Point #2. You can’t expect a library to get rid of all the children’s books with subtle sexist messages. Even if the library just got rid of all the books with OVERT sexist messages, it wouldn’t carry any European fairy tales. (Except Hansel and Gretel. Gretel’s a badass.) I think the

Reminds me of the Sexy Getting-Ready Song

I like to listen to it when I push around my 400 lb dewars of liquid nitrogen. Helps me feel strong.

100% uncontroversial take:

I have to say that I do believe that just because we CAN do a thing, doesn’t mean that we SHOULD do a thing. To have this life threatening surgery and have to take rejection drugs that could affect a fetus as well as the woman herself, is such an over the top risk. Yes, most women want to experience pregnancy and

Yeah Just Jillian actually shows her taping it.

a remake of the remake of the remake

It’s Mind-boggling right? I mean women only want abortions because there are abortion clinics, it’s not like women have been performing self abortions or causing their own miscarriages since the beginning of time or anything....this is how I imagine the lunatic sect of the ‘pro-life’ movement actually thinks.

“Ted Cruz? An inspiration to every kid in America who worries that he’ll never be able to run for president because nobody likes him. He’s running. And look, I told Barack, if you really, really want to remake the Supreme Court, nominate Cruz. Before you know it, you’ll have eight vacancies.”


“We” don’t laud Polanski and Allen. Not us, not here.

Fortunately, I’m one of those communists who thinks that it’s actually a good thing when my money goes toward improving public education. When you pay teachers more, teaching becomes a more competitive (and respected) profession, students learn more because smarter and more driven people are becoming teachers,

That’s fucking wild, but there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell I’m watching anything from TLC.

I was arguing with an idiot on FB about this. She’s against raising minimum wage, and she literally made my jaw drop when she said “I went into teaching KNOWING it would be a low-paying job.” Goddamn, teacher lady, use your critical thinking skills. That’s a great fucking reason to change things, not dumbly accept the

That argument drives me nuts: we need people to do this job. We want people who are both talented and passionate. This pretty much applies to most any job. So WHY in the world shouldn’t they get at the very least a living wage and ideally a wage that reflects the bullshit lip service we love to pay about respecting

Before people start in on knowing how much they make before I made it my major, shut the fuck up.

Microwaving prosciutto is a crime and I won’t have it in my house.

I mean, I think in order to be fair, the CDC should also recommend that men of all ages abstain from having sex with women who have been drinking, might be drinking, or may have consumed alcohol at some point in the past.

The whole “better safe than sorry” vein of “helpful” pregnancy advice is the bane of my 14-weeks-pregnant existence. I swear these people won’t be happy until I’m just going through life living off of kale and surrounded by bubble wrap. Fuck em, I say, and then I eat prosciutto and blackberries for breakfast.