
For some of us with big old hangers (since a young age!!), the last thing I want to see are thin bras with little support. BRING ME THE NIPPLE PAVERS!!

I thank god those days are behind us.

Actually, a drag queen done up like Falcor would be fucking amazing.

You don’t have a calendar app on your phone?

I dated a 14’5 guy once. Hard to have a conversation with.

Same. I’ve met tons of awesome short dudes. And I’ve met a bunch who basically abused me because I committed the sin of being tall.

Yeah, no, it’s not an excuse. Dudes actually act this way. I’m 5’9”. I once went on an internet date with a guy who, upon meeting me in person, was HORRIFIED that I was so tall (even though I was honest about my height on my profile.) He was so upset he actually dragged me up to the counter of the coffee shop we were

This. This is the best sign.

Getting my fibroid removed was the best thing I’ve ever done.

Until my doctor told me I had one I’d never heard of them, either. I had mine removed earlier this year - I cannot tell you how much my life has improved since then. By the time I got it removed (via laparoscopy) I was bleeding pretty much constantly, even when I wasn’t on my period. I was terrified of getting the

Ugh, that sounds terrible. Do you have fibroids by any chance? I ask because that “Bleeding through all the things!” was me when I was dealing with a HUGE ass fibroid. I had it timed - I could go 68 minutes before I had to go to the bathroom and change out my super plus tampon or I would be bleeding through and when I

I can’t tell you how much I worried about those damn strings before I got my IUD in because I’d heard horror stories and because my husband is hung. So when I went in to get mine placed, I told my doctor to PLEASE cut the strings so they don’t poke him. She laughed, told me not to worry because, over time, they sort

Yeah...this isn’t true AT ALL.

Yes, yes it is. I’ve got very large breasts and every man I’ve ever met goes out of his way to tell me how gross big boobs are and how “perfect” little ones are. It’s really great.

All of this. Trust no one at work. Keep your head down, smile when you pass someone in the kitchen, but other that - NOPE. I’ve been burned way too many times and my new rule is NEVER MAKE “FRIENDS” AT WORK. I don’t care if it makes me look cold, I’m not getting stuck again.

Nope. I’ve been screwed over way too many times by “work friends” I thought were “real friends”. Currently dealing with a person I used to be friends with who will no longer speak to me or look at me in meetings because I had the gall to tell her I wasn’t her assistant (we’re the same level, same title, same job.) So,

I read what you wrote. You were complaining because “HOW ARE MEN SUPPOSED TO SIGNAL THEIR INTEREST??” I answered - at work, you DON’T. Full stop. It’s work, not OKCupid. If you’re looking for a girlfriend, get on a dating site, download tinder, go to a bar and use the best pickup line ever (“Hi.”), but never “signal”

No. Just no. NEVER remark on the appearance on anyone you work with. Full stop.

Literally me. I’ve got a much higher drive than my husband and it threw me into a huge spiral. Why didn’t he want me? What was I doing wrong? He tells me he finds me attractive, is he lying?

In the original Gawker story I commented about how I was “looking forward” to all the crazy nutjob shit morons were going to say “Denali” means in “Kenyan” or “Muslim”. However, I didn’t think they’d go so far as to require an official WTF from Snopes. Crazy conservatives, you have truly outdone yourselves.