
LEDs + Ford Grille = Genesis

Can I just stick with my own Euro sedan?

No right turns into a wall?

They have to clear coat it with a special type, and it has to be a fair bit thicker than normal paint and clear coat cause its gotta protect the untreated CF. Not that expesnive granted, but it's a unique design that will make the car rarer and more valuable later on.


Fellow Jalops. We must make sure that her inspiring story is not forgot and that generations of young girls will be exposed to her legacy and reach for their dreams, following in her footsteps.

Hot Wheels made a version of the top vehicle, I have one stashed somewhere in the house...

I am pretty sure the chicken tax is for non passenger vehicles (pickup trucks, windowless vans)


Here's a shot of the passenger side, dented and with the window smashed (but thankfully intact), courtesy of NY Post:

Yet another luxury car driver who can't be bothered to CLEAN HIS FUCKING WHEELS!!!

ohhhhh man that's harsh

Could have been worse.

ahem ..

my VW is better than anything you have. and its my first car. and no VW outdates Audi and owns them so Audi's are just VW's for rich twats with no imagination.

Fast, surprisingly tail happy, and people get out of the way or get crushed.

Dude. Sentinel. Posting my favorite body style (vice city).

Street Racing is so Low that The Discovery Channel gave it a show.

Please change the cover photo accordingly..