
NPR has humor? Did I miss something?

Maybe the network invented families of TV watching bots to trick the Nielsen ratings boxes. You could theoretically buy a bunch of foreclosed homes in Stockton and put a TV set in each one of them to create viewers. Let some feral cats live in the house to create a simulacra of activity.

I immediately thought "Documents!" Also, that "3G" on the dress? Is her dress a wifi hotspot?

Does NYC suddenly have a Little Lithuania that she's cosplaying at?

As a bonus, it's hilarious and adorable to hear my two year old say "Hi Penis!" when I change his diaper in the morning.

Yeah for real.

Are we really going to be snobby about donuts? Really?

My mother tried to raise me to believe women were emotional and incapable of being logical. She told me women were meant to raise children. She looked down upon and even mocked me for learning and loving math and science. Where will that get you? She asked. I wasn't allowed to play any sports because it was not women

My favorite Julia moment? The scene that reminds me of what it means to be both a good doctor and a good person.

This was the infamous unaired episode because there was accusations involving Discovery channel stealing the ideas from another show that they previewed but didn't buy. The page has been removed from his website, so i guess it's been resolved. The episode was made back in 2012.

Worst boarding experience while also being the most thrilling? Boarding a 747 in Beijing in the early 2000s. Plane was late, so they wanted to go fast...some kind of bell rung at the ticketing counter and there was an immediate mosh pit of a few hundred jammed up to get through the door. Go through the ticketing,

I'm a black woman and I looked up to Elise Keaton too when I was growing up. While Clair and Cliff seemed to both being making a lot of money, it was always implied that Elise was the one bringing the most money to the household and her husband wasn't intimidated by that. She was similar to Clair in that she could be

I love that episode. If I remember correctly, Cliff was backstage with a janitor, cheering on his wife and just being wowed by her. It was another example of how Cliff admired Clair's strength, eloquence and intelligence. I love images of power couples whether it's fictional Clair and Cliff Huxtable or real life

Roseanne was the very first mom on TV that looked anything like my mom and I loved that. They even had some of the same mannerisms which cracked me up. I told my mom this one time and she looked at me, grabbed her crotch and spit on the ground and then blared "Ohhhhh say can you see..." before erupting into cackling

Don't apologize or feel you have to qualify loving her. That should be universal. Elise Keaton of "Family Ties" was a very specific kind of white former hippie, and this little black girl loved her almost as much as I loved Clair. Also Julia Sugarbaker. Love who you love. I think that was the point. Cheers!

Clair Huxtable is why I'm a lawyer. I wanted to be her. I even moved to NYC. She was my childhood hero!

I have been promoting the adoption of Yiddish words to replace "problematic" English words like ghetto. May I recommend "haimish" or "ongaputchkit" instead?