
The other thing anti maskers are using is that supposedly it makes it easier for kids to be snatched. Then either leave your kids at home or sypervise them when you are out. I feel like these things are Trumpster led gaslighting attempts trying to get liberals with our soft hearts to relent. F that and F thrm. If my

For fucks sake, this. Yesterday: Shame someone for not wearing a mask. GOOD! Today: Shame someone for not wearing a mask. BAD.

Yeah, having trauma doesn’t mean you can’t also be carrying Covid-just like a person with autism can be carrying Covid, or a person with claustrophobia or breathing issues or cognitive disabilities.  Places you really have to go-like the grocery store-offer alternatives like curbside pickup or delivery so you don’t

No one likes it. Everyone is not special. Wear...the...fucking...masks.

God. Wear a fucking mask. This is not about your assault. It is the worst thing that could ever have happened to you. And it truly sucks. And fuck that guy/girl/human. But, you know what?  This isn’t about that. And we all have traumatic shit we are dealing with right now. Wear a mask or stay the fuck home.

Phonetically, the first part of his name says it all-Con. Much like his president, this dude is a conman. While I agree he needs help, the media needs to stop covering his antics. Even if he does get help and get better w/, he will use this attention to keep up his bullshit antics and behavior in the long run. Also,

So you want me to give two fucks about a damaged man who has no issue using his considerable platform and fame to damage others? Uh yeah that is going to be a no okay brother. This clown ass bitch, with the full backing and support of his talent deficient wife and inlaws and The GOP are seeking to further inflict

THIS WHOLE ESSAY. As sister to a grown man that has similar problems, I know it can be impossible to make someone accept help when they don’t want it.

She could have, for example, not enthusiastically retweeted his tweets about running for president. Or stop having children with someone who has been in a years-long breakdown. I get her desire to keep things moving along, to keep her own life and business moving along, but now is not the time.

Please don’t wear any gear, attend any protests or make any comments about “Black Lives Matter” if you are going to impede a police investigation into one of our own HARMING one of our own. Amazing how can see someone wear a T-shirt expressing “Black Lives Matter” and then wear one that says “Stop Snitching.” Grow the

I might give Biden a slightly higher grade because he didn’t launch in to some story about hanging on the corner with “Cornpop”, use the word “man” or overplay the social justice warrior angle. Also he didn’t mention Obama once. 

I could’ve farted out a better response than Trump. The issue here is to contrast Biden’s response vs. Lord Vagina Neck. Again as long as Joe didn’t fall asleep he was fine. Also we need to stop looking to Barack to say words to soothe us. Sorry he told us what to do in 2016 & a lot of us including the wokies ignored

I don’t think she was being petty. I think the palace simply believed his “one foot in, one foot out” approach wasn’t going to work. 

As someone who works in a hospital on the front lines, the people ENRAGE me. Their behavior is beyond reckless. They are actively endangering my life and the lives of my colleagues. When they get sick (and some most certainly will), they will absolutely expect us to take care of them with total disregard for our

Yea I never understood the seething hatred people here have for him. I understand if people didn’t want him to be the nominee but calling him a republican in sheep’s clothes is ridiculous. Unless there are a number of Republicans that ran on universal childcare, 50 billion dollars to HBCUs, free college for anyone

I know it’s policy at Jezebel to scorch every move Pete Buttigieg makes, but he’s not running for president anymore.

He may be the human embodiment of oatmeal - bland, both in color and flavor - but I’ll take all the boring nutrition I can these days.

You know you fucked up when you make Nina Turner look good. Now can we talk about all the shit Nina needs to apologize for? Slandering HRC, promoting that bullshit about the 2016 primary being rigged, her step n fechit cooning with Cornball West and those damn edges. Good lord girl find some black friends that can get

In his interview with Maddow last night, he was asked if he reached out to Clyburn for his endorsement. His response? “There was no way he would support me.

Then you’d have to ignore Minnesota, Maine, Massachusetts, and purple North Carolina.