
Good thing that bear wasn’t hibernating like all the other bears do.

He just sat in here and watched basketball all day,” Trump told a recent group, before saying he upgraded Obama’s smaller TV to a sprawling, flat-screen one, the four people said.

Clinton likely accomplished more work for the country while receiving oral sex than Trump has done his entire presidency. Clinton and Obama had the attention span and maturity to read security briefings, even though they were long and wordy and didn’t have pretty pictures.

Talk that shit, Nancy; walk that shit.

And to defend Gina, she is not wrong. Black women make 64 cents per dollar, Latina women make 56 cents. As for Sofia Vergara, there are three things people need to understand: 1) She makes a lot of money off of endorsements and other appearances. 2) She is a WHITE Latina who is considered hot by traditional standards.

No Monique. Its more like Nancy Pelosi 5, Trump big fat zero.

Yeah! The only dogs who should be allowed to exist are those who are accidentally bred or bred from unhealthy puppy mill dogs that end up in shelters where they can be “adopted” according to your definition, absolutely! A dog acquired directly from a responsible breeder who loves dogs, provides excellent healthcare

I would have preferred she not be involved with a man who doesn’t like her children.

Sigh no. The Catholic Church doesn’t charge you for time with your priest, it doesn’t have a set menu of pricing for salvation, it doesn’t force people to work for them for almost no pay and no ability to leave, it doesn’t have it’s own paramilitary force and labor camps, 

Okay, I want to clear this up, because I get responses like yours all the time that is basically “but all religions are weird!”

I get that this is an edgy thing to say but it also doesn’t wash.

The words “occult” literally means secret. The defining characteristic of cults is secret knowledge that is walled off and only accessible via authorities through pre-prescribed channels (often times, just one person or small group of people).

This is

“Cult" does not refer to beliefs, though, but to practices. Mainly isolation, brainwashing, abuse.

But Scientology is different in that you don’t have access to the ‘teachings’ till you pay for courses. You have no idea what the religion is about till you have been in long enough. At least there is a bible in every hotel room. 

I don’t think she’s dead, but I think she’s being held captive and probably being abused. And I do bet the police chief is being paid off by them. The Church of Scientology has hooks into the LAPD. So so many organizations are complicit in the proliferation of this “church” :/

The problem with this question is that you are espousing the same attitude that the article is railing against; conflating someone’s outward appearance with their actual health and well being. You’re just doing it in the opposite direction.

Hey thundercunt - if you’re needing the signal that you’re being too loud in the first place, the onus is on YOU, you fucking dipshit.  YOU should shut the fuck up and you’re damn straight I would fucking “shhh” you.  If you don’t respond well, you can fucking leave.  

If you’re being as inconsiderate as a child who can’t behave in public, then clearly, yes, you need to be shushed.

Looking at him HURTS me. The whole while I’ve been watching him I want to SCREAM at him TO SIT UP FUCKING STRAIGHT. He’s at a funeral for a fucking head of state and is slouching in the pew like he’s a bored 6-year-old at mass. Or like a tired person on the subway.

I say C) he knew exactly what message it was sending and it gave him feels on his no-no place