
I always thought it was pronounced to rhyme with “finger,” and still have trouble believing it’s pronounced “ginger.”

Donna Edwards made at least one list of least effective members of Congress (InsideGov). She did not receive an endorsement from the Congressional Black Caucus (as I recall, she received endorsements from only 4 individual members of that caucus). She was routinely criticized for providing abysmal constituent service

I’m probably going far too far afield now, but here’s the one that almost did make me snap. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) had a massive letter writing campaign wanting the rules to be changed so they no longer had to work under the direct supervision of an anesthesiologist. They were, they assured

You gave me flashbacks to early in my career when I was part of a team updating health and safety regulations for acute care hospitals and we were inundated with requests from “non-physician practitioners” who wanted to be allowed to perform procedures that were restricted to physicians under the then-current

When the Obama daughters were first on my radar (2007 or so?), I thought Malia was going to grow up to be a knockout, and felt a little sorry for Sasha, not because I thought she’d grow up to be a troll or anything, but because I thought she wouldn’t be as drop-dead gorgeous as I expected her sister to be, and that

I like that wording (“What pronouns may I use when referring to you?”) a lot, because it’s clear. If someone said to me, as has also been suggested, “What are your pronouns?” I’d honestly have no idea what they were looking for. My response to “What are your pronouns?” would probably be “I don’t know. What are your

Eh, I would have written “denied and all INTEREST,” not (in essence) “denied any all neutrality,” which I guess is supposed to mean Kanye is not impartial about ass play...and it does seem he has very strong feelings about it, but I’m guessing it was a typo.

Yes! I was able to feel some sympathy for her parents initially (not to the point where I didn’t think she should be taken off life support), but when they released that video, my sympathy vanished. What a huge violation of her privacy and her dignity. I remember telling my mother that if I were ever in that situation

You are not alone. I’ve watched every episode, because I’m trying, but I really dislike the main character so much that I’m afraid I need to throw in the towel. She isn’t a “love to hate” character, she’s just so annoying and pathetic and awful. Like you, though, I worry that I’m letting down The Sisterhood by feeling

Sadly, I see that from a lot of celebrities. Maybe a lot of regular people feel that way, too, but since they don’t get interviewed, I don’t have to know about it. I have cringed so many times hearing a newly-remarried celebrity say some variation on “I never knew what love was before I met current spouse,” when they

That will always skeeve me out. I don’t know how you can watch a child grow up and then want to marry them. A chacun son gout.

Not a troll, but long I’ve despaired of ever being removed from the greys.

Thank you for this, Shemark. I’m actually a bit older than Caitlyn, and no one who grew up in the ‘60s gets a pass using the “it’s hard for me to process non-traditional things” excuse.

Yes! I’ve never heard her name pronounced, so I’ve always assumed it was “Simonay.” Learning that she pronounces it “Simone” makes my head hurt.

I wish I could give you 100 stars. My rule of thumb, whether it’s a restaurant, store, plane, or really anywhere, is that unacceptable behavior is unacceptable regardless of who is misbehaving. Parents who sit there blissfully while their snowflake is screeching need to ask themselves if they’d be giving side-eye to

I’m the right age to remember when Quaaludes were hugely popular, but you took them WITH the person you were (consensually) going to have sex with. One person didn’t give Quaaludes to the other person and not take any themselves.

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. I get stabby every time I hear “Jaime” pronounced as though it’s “Jamie.” (Or, I suppose more accurately, every time I see someone has used “Jaime” as the spelling for a name they think is pronounced “Jamie.”)

And some of us are proud to live on “the Dark Side”! (If you’re wondering, this has always been my user name; I didn’t change it just to reply to your comment.)