
My thoughts exactly. That original trailer got a lot of people excited about Prey 2. The original bounty hunter premise was what made me really interested in it. To hear they are scrapping it an building something completely different, (under duress no less) is pretty disheartening.

May or may not matter, but the link sends you to the final page of the article.

Yeah, just a little farther back than that. Still, most takes on Harley are fun. She's just one of those characters.

I like the retro feel of this one better.


What's that couch made out of, granite?

Thank you for this.

I've been trying to get my son into comics and took him to the comic book shop the other day. He picked one of the Hawkeye back issues, (a choice that surprised me) and we both really enjoyed it. So I'm going to get the collected issues for him. (I'll read it too of course.)

While you might not have the time, (or the funds) but more comic book stuff on this site would be appreciated by some. Thanks for what you do post though.

I'd love to see more comic book stuff. It get's touched on lightly, but a bit more coverage would be great.

This leaves me with Prey 2 as my sole hope for a decent sic-fi bounty hunting game. Prey 2! The game that's probably spent more time in development hell than 1313. This is the equivalent of giving up on the lottery because you've decided to hope on a a rich long lost relative leaving you money. ...sigh...

Bad-ass soldier dude sits in the middle of the freaking hall just waiting to be tripped over by curious but dumb enemy soldier. When discovered, bad-ass soldier dude decides it's smarter to take on the whole freaking army instead if sitting against the wall with his inviso-shield (like he should have been doing in

Number one, didn't say anything about the kid. Said I didn't like handling money that was soaked in another humans body fluid. I busted my ass riding my bike all over the place when I was kid, I have no problem with that. You on the other hand seem to have a problem with GameStop employees. Good for you. I'm sure

I don't miss those days at all. We kept all the demo systems on the same power breaker. Whenever it got crazy around the system or some particular kid was being a pain, one of us would go in back and flip the switch.

Not to mention the fact that if it ever came to that I'd be willing to bet most SEAL's would quietly disappear and turn up fighting what little military was left to fight the American people. The are the son's and brothers of 'Fatty McGunNutz' after all.

Your comment is way to rational and non-senational for this site. That being said, wish I could give a star or something for it.

I was thinking Paul Newman.