
Anne made up Katie Maurice and Violetta when she was a lonely, unloved orphan in Nova Scotia, before the books start. When we first meet her, she's 'about eleven,' not twelve or thirteen and she doesn't make up any imaginary friends after she meets Diana.

I'm white and I get this question all the time. Maybe it's because I'm Canadian and we're just more comfortable asking it. But when I answer that I'm 'Canadian' people don't want to accept it. They want me to say that some of my ancestors arrived from Germany in 1809, another group came from Scotland in 1860, my

Seconded. I'm a Jennifer, which was the most popular girl's name every year from 1970 to 1984 and now isn't even in the top 100.

I broke up with someone in the year 2000. He has been with his wife for nearly 10 years, and they have 2 kids. I had already left town by the time they met, but we still have friends in common, so I see them every couple of years at social events. The wife has only spoken to me once, and that was to ask me to get