
Limo company? Check the books first before declaring it senseless arson.

There is a massive difference between being unreasonably terrified, and having legitimate concerns over security. Just like there is a difference between being a blind punk in a comment section, and having reasonable concerns over Defense spending. Try to understand the difference.

If he loved his car he’d drive it.

I wonder when the police in GA will start putting 28s on their Chargers now? You know for community outreach. lol

Mine works, in that it gives me a rough idea how how much fuel is in the tank, but turning, especially long sweepers, can change the indicated fuel level by as much as a third of a tank as the fuel sloshes toward or away from the float.

AC not working. Just needs charged.

Really with 14 cars I was assuming he was oil money from the UAE or some such.

If I really speak my mind I would be on the Jez kill list in no time.

Those Hartges are worth more than many E30s.

Exactly. It’s very interesting (and disturbing) to read the comments here and see just how many people really don’t know his history going all the way back to Nixon.

Actually it's my default browser, I really don't care about the amount of RAM it uses

C’mon guys! this car is seriously cool. (In the way that your dad is, also, seriously cool). It’s in good shape, and in my opinion is just as interesting as a CRX, which I don’t think we would be calling CP for this $. NP!

I love minions!!


Word. I normally start work like this at 9-10am. But I had a hangover and didn’t start till noonish. Bad move. Luckily the parts counter guy (at a DEALERSHIP!!!) stayed open so I could pick it up. The irony is that the gasket was the cause of a mystery leak I just could not track down. So I fixed two problems with

Worse yet, throwing unknown used parts at a problem and assuming that both couldn’t be bad.

FIVE minutes? You don’t have to brag, dude.

You're thinking of the B-25

Thanks for the advice... but, I'm Polish-born with a Russian last name, so I think I'll be fine considering I was born right next door to them, haha.