
Walmart Greeter: Welcome to Walmart!

Lil Bieber Wannabe is gonna regret the sock to the head of his little date. "Oh yeah, I missed that high five!"

Andrew Collins:


In case anybody thought he didn't deserve horrible things done to him.

This is just unacceptable. A vertical cell phone video? In 2014? Seriously? Turn your phone sideways when you record, people. We're not animals.

You can have your measly little 120 HP 1.0 liter 3-cylinder EcoBoost engine. I'll stick with my 402 HP VR300 electric engine.

Man, the 1.0 is so tiny it'd look hilarious in the bay. Picture of its turbo so you can join in the chuckles:

What is that? A cigar cutter?

67 mph if you convert from kph. ;)

He deserved to get spit on for filming in portrait mode.