
Conor Mcgregor wishes he was that good in the stand up, back fist, elbow to the face

HR: Friendly Reminder -The beatings will only continue until the moral improves.

What happens if they find Lindsy’s family goes back further than 5,000 years, will he then denounce Creation theory?

I don’t know why but whenever i see pictures of Pete my first thought always is that he must smell bad.

“It also basically assures her the gold medal on vault in Doha.” Now you jinxed her, hope you’re happy!!! 

Damn you google search result!!!! (i guess i got lazy, lol), maybe i should have wrote Seppuku, less chance of a spelling error

or commit hari kari out of shame

and majority share holder

Just like Trump, he will just hire all the best people

Fake News!

one word ...Duane, he should lose on that fact alone. 

Is the blinking guy the Dread Pirate Roberts?

It’s easy to claim no new information when you stack the deck

na, they just pump in Oxygen and hide the clocks

The best way to avoid being harassed online is to make public comments about how much you hate being harassed online. Great strategy.

I keep reading Superbirds as Songbirds, is this week over yet?

I hate spell check, literately should literally have been literally  

This whole Dog and Pony show (the confirmation hearings) literately for the Republicans is the illustrated definition of The end justifies the means

Looks like Harry is into young Kids!

Burnett owns the rights to the tapes, he could easily release the tapes, either to prove or disprove the allegations... “here are all the tapes, listen for yourself, see, he never said the n-word...”, if there was nothing on the tapes why not release all of the tapes to let the people to decide, not going to happen.