
What do you mean the greatest drummer in history passed away? Nah screw that let’s have a memorial to someone who isn’t even a musician and not even mention that weird Canadian dude.

Been home sick for a week, and I’ve had time to finally finish playing FF12: The Zodiac Age for Switch. Once that’s done, I’ve got a fresh Re-install of Divinity 2 ready to go. Thanks  Jason Schreier...

Haha I am redownloading it now myself and want to try a solo playthrough. It’s very good!

If you want something frustrating but extremely gratifying, Crypt of the Necrodancer plays very well on Switch.

Didn’t mind the mask at all, and yes they sure did! Which was fine because I felt like garbage and didn’t want to deal with people anyway.

Uggh. If anything Pizza needs less sauce not more.

I was in the hospital yesterday for a bad cold, they gave me a mask to wear when I got there. I had a pretty good feeling that it wasn’t COVID-19, as most everyone I know currently has this same cold, but that didn’t stop people from giving me one hell of a stink-eye in the waiting room.

When I was growing up, my Mom insisted that I help prepare meals with her. Even simple things like peeling potatoes or veggies, filling pots with water, things like that. It’s easy to make cooking a fun activity, now that I’m older I just put on some music, have a beer and a bong ready for those opportune moments

To be fair, at least her last name is spelled correctly.

I look at that and all I can picture is countless home-schooled free range children with meningitis supervised by one weak parent who is preoccupied with their mobile device running around banging utensils together and walking on the tables with bare feet.

This might explain why I’ve seen a few kids in my FLGS with blue mouths lately. I thought there was a new type of candy or something, I should have known.

*Insert Picard Facepalm Meme Here*

All the stars for the Danger 5 gif

I really dislike ScarJo as an actor, Emily Blunt would have been so much better holy shit. 

So good, that movie is a gem.

I pre-ordered the original WoW, played it on and off until the first expansion came out. I was never able to get enough gold to buy a mount, and I only got to level 42 in the time I played. I found the game incredibly slow and frustrating. Have never gone back and never will.

Got like 3 episodes in before I quit.

Absolutely what I would do in her shoes, hire people you know you can trust and take care of them by offering them a great job with great benefits. Seems like a win win for everyone.

They are on sale because it is National Puzzle Month, stores ordered extra and now are blowing them out. Even a slight amount of research and business sense would have answered that for you.

They are on sale because it is National Puzzle Month, stores ordered extra and now are blowing them out. Even a