Does anyone know what the JP points are you get from activities? I didn't see it explained in tutorial and I can't find it anywhere.
Does anyone know what the JP points are you get from activities? I didn't see it explained in tutorial and I can't find it anywhere.
You're trolling right? Like you can't be serious right now...
But of course doing the logical, mature, intelligent and really just the right thing to do and change it is far too difficult isn't it? You're an idiot... "people don't like me for this exact reason but I don't care I will stay the way I am and get butthurt because no one likes me." are you fucking kidding me…
Waaaaah. Grow up and stop trying to pull bullshit attention to yourself. Its like when blacks don't get what they want so they say its because I'm black. No its because your a fucktard. Fuck this cunt Xbox should be investigating her.
What is mob of the dead mode?
You're taking what he means by realistic the wrong way.
Your the one that is looking like an asshole here the way you just twisted all of his words... Fucktard.
I agree and I'm sorry that these idiots have been badgering you over your statement. I just thought you should know that not everyone is as ignorant as these commentators are and that some of us actually see what you see.
Seriously, Fuck you. You are an ignorant fuck-tard for your stupid ass comment and you should know that. He never once said they are sub-human because they disagree with him but characterizing them as sub-human for their actions in regards to this entire case. The fact is they did not make a rape joke. They make a…
I look forward to your videos and your awesome commentary. You fill my days with laughter while I'm slacking off at work.
Yeah its weird. I go on this site everyday as part of my daily read and it seriously just told me today that you had replied and I was sitting there thinking. "I either don't reply and let him think something incorrect or I reply and risk looking like "that guy" That just has to keep it going. Which is unfortunately…
I don't think you fully understood the point I was attempting to make. I'm not saying that GTA5 is the best game out there and it has no competition and everyone needs to bow down to it. I'm saying what they did to the actual Industry is something the games you mentioned didn't do. At least not on such a large scale.
I don't understand why its a silly name. Its a real word that is used constantly with real meaning. "Put on your Warface" is something I heard constantly growing up, in the military and in my adult life working in IT. So maybe I'm just missing something here or my sense of humor has become a little more serious than I…
You should get it just for the new experience. I think it will be a totally new game with having 3 different perspectives in the stories and so on. It has elements taken from a ton of other games mixed fluently together to create this fine mix of a game. GTA5 will change future expectations for other developers and…