
The cluelessness in both the article and the comments is hilarious to behold.

I couldn’t agree more. Talk about weakening your hull integrity... and on purpose, yet!!! Terrible, terrible idea.

I have only ever seen Whittaker in Broadchurch where she plays a very understated and somewhat boring character. For those of you who know her work better, have you ever seen her in a role where she has the “quirk” necessary to be a Doctor?

Except that your “fact check” sites you mentioned have proven to be wrong over and over again.

This is what you get by the infantilization of liberalism. These “sports” reporters are so enthralled with looking PC that they can’t even see reality. But that is the cultural rot that is liberalism.

If California has people this stupid, I say good riddance.

I disagree with you. The only thing I would not like as a neighbor is too much noise, especially early in the morning and late at night. Otherwise, it is HIS property and I would not be the one to say what he can do with it.

“$300 worldwide.” Wow. Not 299 dollars. A whole 300?

I can’t imagine why it would matter?

Interesting that not one of the tweets you posted above actually said anything about Trump.

I used my air goggles to find the air guitar I dropped.

Anyone with an education does.

Usually I find all you guys needlessly critical of all these shows, but I do have to say the end of Bill was a bit of a cop out. Come on. The water girl shows up just in time? And everything is good? Ugh. And the “I felt your tears” stuff... Bill has been weeping for two episodes, now. A bit convenient for water girl

You social justice warriors are already geared to make sure this show is a flop, aren’t you?

Personally, I thought it was odd that it was a mask he was wearing. Why didn’t they have the Master use a face changing wave of his evil sonic screwdriver?

Behold: social justice warriors now say electricity is raaaaacist.

This is clearly a case of severe budget limitations which bodes ill for the new series. But, on the good side, it is rumored to be coming out in 2018, or 2020, or 2024. So, its right around the corner.

Um, Frankenstein and Dracula are OVER 100 years old.

Who cares. He was a white, male, doctor. He is privileged. We are all GLAD he was thrown off the plane. Let’s hope they beat him half to death.

They were pro extreme Islam. The artist is supporting Islamic terror and should be fired.