
You DO realize that all this is just blah,blah, blah and that none of these countries will actually DO any of this stuff... right? I mean, you CAN’T be so naive as to think that this is all meaningful?

Good thing your opinion doesn’t matter then.

I might vote for Oliver Queen, but it seems like a death wish to go to any of his rallies or parties!

Did your widdle feewings get hurt?

OK, try to use your brain just a little bit. The idea of casting a woman for the sake of casting a woman because it would “be cool” has nothing to do with how good the resulting work will ultimately be. The silly original poster of this piece creamed his jeans because they cast a woman in the role. Certainly the movie

No, what’s not smart is to take advice about what is smart from an idiot like you.

You sure are unable to read English.

Learn to read. The casting has NOTHING to do with it.

Keep digging the hole, halfwit.

That’s a typically dumbass comment. Thanks for showing how stupid you are to flop all over yourself for PC nonsense at the expense of story and acting. Nice going, moron.

Personally I thought “Space Balls” was written by a 10-year-old. Cheap humor, obvious humor, little to laugh at. It did have a few funny moments (Dark Helmut playing with his action dolls, for instance) but mostly it was junk.

“It’s cool to see a woman land the role...” Why? It won’t be “cool”unless it is well written and acted.

Hyperbole much??

“Silent Spring” has been proven a total fraud.

OK, so my problem with this episode is Ashildr... in past episodes we discovered that she lost all her memories in only a few hundred years. But now, here she is BILLIONS of years in the future and at the end of time, yet, and she seems to completely and blithely remember everything. Anyone??

Why did I never know until now that Reagan visited the set of STNG?

Yeah, I have to agree. Not great on predictions.

From what I’ve read not a single one of his ventures have been financially successful.

I am still wondering how an Egyptian priest can sound like a refugee from Serbia?

How can all these guys complain that it “wasn’t going to last”? Four seasons is two more than most series get! Only a few series get 5 or more seasons, after all.