  • Level 1: 1992 Legend - Suburban Bakersfield

Virtually, all of Acura’s cars are sports cars.

Hello there! I am a non-motorcycle guy, and I have a few questions.

Keep that gutter talk out of here, sir. Ray Wort is long gone.

I hop they don’t get run over.

Lawrence Stroll, father of “racer” Lance Stroll...

Is this true?! Like a real Law school?

*cries in Cerbera Speed 12*

Does the LS even count as an engine from this decade? It’s very, very clearly from 2005. And as A-McGee9-3 said, it’s not particularly interesting anymore.

Except you cant. Every engine is a motor, but not every motor is an engine.

The problem with the LS is that while it is a great engine, it has no character. Either that, or we’re just so used to hearing the sound of an LS chopping away that we don’t even care anymore. Hearing an LS doesn’t send a shiver down my spine.

I’m going to go replace my power window engine. Or my windshield wiper engine. But, not until I replace my pesky HVAC blender door actuator engine.

Pedantically, however, they are not. And petty pedantry was the purpose of my post (unintentional alliteration)

A fine motor, but ‘tis no engine.

Can you imagine being the guy in charge of buying $1.9 million worth of Chevy Equinox’s?  Talk about a depressing job.

Doesn’t matter. It never mattered. Here’s why:

I liked it too. Glad it got frontpaged on Gizmodo or I wouldn’t have seen it

“Low GWP refrigerants like R1234yf...” R744 is a low GWP refrigerant. For the EU it’s anything under a GWP of 150. R1234yf is GWP=4, R744 is GPW=1