I liked it too. Glad it got frontpaged on Gizmodo or I wouldn’t have seen it
I liked it too. Glad it got frontpaged on Gizmodo or I wouldn’t have seen it
Thank you! I’m happy you enjoyed it.
“Low GWP refrigerants like R1234yf...” R744 is a low GWP refrigerant. For the EU it’s anything under a GWP of 150. R1234yf is GWP=4, R744 is GPW=1
That was a good, well researched story. Thanks
I wanted Ghosn to call out those who wronged him, and I wanted him to implicate everyone from Shinzō Abe down.
I think the problem isn’t just ‘needing a computer’. If I remember right, it’s like dealer only diagnostic tools with cars. It’s that it has to be a Deere authorized mechanic with a proprietary set of hardware that they won’t sell you, and you can’t just use any old laptop.
Yeah, here’s a quote from one of the earlier…
He drove for McLaren, isn’t he used to being broken down on the side of the road?
It’s not a marvel movie. It’s news, they are reporting on news relevant to this website.
12 Episodes, all shot entirely in the Roadie case
Escape from Tokyo
Ghosn in 60 seconds!
I can’t wait to see it lol
Ghosn Baby Ghosn
I’m going to start getting my popcorn together now. Maybe they can stretch the story into a series of some sort
Will it have feathers?
Can’t wait to see the new Broncosaurus!
I have sent this to a paleontologist friend of mine. Soon, we will have a complete mocked up